Their tiny toes; the way they wrap their little fingers around
yours; their full body yawns; the
way they arch their back when they stretch; their scrunched up, wrinkley bodies; their alert eyes that absorb everything around them; their little fat rolls on their thighs; dimpled bare bums; their first bath; snuggling up in a towel after a bath; the smell of baby shampoo; little drawstring nightgowns; tiny little baby hats; dressing them up in tiny little baby clothes; tiny little baby socks; tiny little diapers; tiny little everythings; chubby little wrists; their tiny nose;
the little peach fuzz on their shoulders and back; their perfect little round heads; the way they suck on my pinky finger; when they discover their hands and toes for the first time; watching Jason hold a little newborn; their silky smooth skin; watching them sleep; snuggling up with
them in bed; letting them fall asleep on my chest; rocking them; swaddling them in soft little baby blankets; the little swallowing sound they make when they're eating; their first smile; their first coo; when their eyes light up when you walk in the room; the way they are comforted only
by mom; just holding them and not being able to take your eyes off them....these are a few of the things that I miss about little newborn babies, so that's why I'm so excited that I won't have to miss them for too much longer since we've got baby #3 coming in October! We're so excited and the kids couldn't be more thrilled. The day we
found out, I wrote a note to Kylie and put it in an envelope and had her and Jayden open it before school. She started sounding out the words and as soon as she read "you are going to have a new brother or sister" she got the absolute biggest grin on her face. She told everyone in the
carpool her good news and her teacher said that she didn't stop talking about it all week long, she told everyone: the principal, the PE teacher, the class aid, other parent volunteers, etc. It is so cute to see her so excited. She already has a Halloween costume picked out for him/her and is keeping her fingers double crossed that it's a girl so that they can share a room and have
sleepovers every night. Jayden is so excited too and understands more than I thought that he would. He comes up to me alot and lifts up my shirt, looking for the baby. He always asks me "when is your baby going to be done?" It took a while for me to convince him that the baby was in my tummy and not my chest, he was just looking for any lump (as small as it may be :).
Everyday Kylie keeps telling me how much my tummy is poking out and that she can see the baby showing. The more I try to convince her that I'm not showing yet and that what she's seeing is just leftovers from my other babies, the more she tries to convince me that my stomach is bigger. It's a losing situation. I'm only 7 weeks (I really tried to keep it on the down low for as long as I could and this is as far as I got. I'm just too excited to keep it a secret). So far I have been feeling pretty good, but the farther along I'm getting, the yuckier I'm feeling. At first I was
hungry all the time but now any type of food sounds so disgusting. Whenever I crave something for dinner I tend to make a lot of it, but I end up gagging just from the smell of the leftovers the next day. Or as I'm making it I end up getting sick from the sight of raw meat or all the smells and so I end up eating a bowl of cold cereal while everyone else eats the dinner. Cold cereal is my best friend, I can never get sick of that. Jason is cute to always make sure that I get enough to eat. I think he thinks I'm eating for 6 instead of 2. I just love when the protective/nurturing side comes out in him, it's really cute. He's great to take the kids out so I can sleep on the weekends and during the week they're gone to school alot, so I really can't complain. I don't get really sick like alot of girls, but it's just that all day yucky feeling that gets old really fast. But besides that, we are all so excited. I was 99% positive that I was pregnant, but when I took a test it came back
negative. I was so crushed and that's when I realized just how much I wanted another baby. It's taken me a while (like 3 1/2 years) to be ready for another one, so I was glad to see that I really was ready for one. I waited a couple more days before taking another test. I couldn't wait until the morning to take it, so I woke up at 4:00am and was soooo excited when it was positive and woke Jason up to tell him the good news. I couldn't sleep anymore after that and I love that each pregnancy has been just as exciting as the first one. Anyways, this is a lot of journaling, mostly for my sake. I wish I would have written more about my other pregnancies, so thank goodness for the blog :)

YAY!!! I'm so happy for you. You didn't mention the yuckiness. That is seriously the worst. I'm sorry. I remember hardly ever cooking because chicken repulsed me, as did everything else besides GRAPEFRUIT!! I ate it night and day. So weird what happens to you in the first trimester. I'm glad you're getting spoiled by your family!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so excited for you and also jealous at the same time. Hope the yuckiness doesn't stay long. I had a feeling this kind of a post was coming...
Yahoo! How exciting. Three kids are better than two. I speak from experience. :) We are so excited for you guys!
Yay! I am so happy for you guys! You are such an amazing mom and make the most adorable little babies! Your right, thank goodness for the blog, I feel so far away from you but when I read your blog it helps a little. I wish I was closer, so I could take your cute kids for the day and play while you rest. Or even bring you some yummy cereal and ice cold milk! I miss you Jame, hang in there!
Congrats, that is so exciting!! All your knowledge of sports stats really did pay off! I am so happy for you....there is nothing better than a sweet new baby!!!
VERY exciting for you. I was wondering when you would expand your corporation! That's great! Congrats!
This is great news! I'll be excited to hear all about the pregnancy--I live vicariously through friends since yes I love babies but nope, not ready to do that over again yet.
Congratulations! I was the same way with cravings this time around. Something would sound really good and by the time I got done cooking it the thought of eating it made me want to barf. The smell of any meat was horrid, I ate a lot of toast. :)
Hi Jamie! Congrats! That's awesome.So many people I know are pregnant right now! I love it! Me? I'm ready to quit the club. 7 more weeks....
Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you. You are such an awesome Mom. You are going to have so much fun. It is so cute how excited Kylie and Jayden are! Good luck with the sickness.
I love having 3 kids. I think each pregnancy, delivery and newborn has become easier each time. I love sharing the pregnancy experience with my older kids, it is so fun that I don't want to forget a moment, so thank goodness for blogs. Yes, the first trimester is the worst. I definetely have to space my kids to gain the strength to endure the first trimester and throwing up multiple times a day and I get SO tired. Cereal was the only thing I could eat too, and fruit. Congratulations! I am so happy for you guys. It was all Jayden and Kylie talked about when they were at my house. Even Tanner said to me, "Jayden's baby is 'hiding' in his mommy's tummy." Trevor used to tell me he could see my baby was getting bigger when I was 2 months along too :) The worst is after you have the baby and your wonderful honest kids say it still looks like you have a baby in your tummy :)
Yay! How exciting! Keep emphasizing the yucky parts... I don't want to get too excited.
CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS!!!! I loved this post. It made even ME feel baby hungry and I've still got a baby. What a precious remembrance of your sweet babies. Yay for another baby!!! I hope the sickness doesn't stay too long. Even writing that last sentence kinda makes the baby hunger go away....that part is NO fun. CONGRATS!!!!
Yay for you! Even though I've already told you how excited I am for you, I'll say it again - Hooray! Oh, and can you please stop blogging about all the sweet things about babies because I actually starting thinking that I kinda missed those things too...............hold on now - don't you dare mention this to Joe b/c there is no way I am acting on these feelings yet! I'm waiting till Ava's in preschool! So, can your next post be about spit up and poop please? :-) I'm so happy for you!
Awe, you almost make me want another baby. ALMOST. Those pictures and baby memories were so sweet. We are all so excited for you. My kids are disapointed that you won't have the baby by the reunion this summer so that they can see it. We'll all be excited to see your little bump. I love Kylie and Jayden's excitement. It is so fun to have older kids to get excited about the new additon. They'll be such sweet helpers when the baby's born. I seriously wish I was close enough to help out; make dinner, watch your kids so you can sleep, massage your feet, fix you a bowl of cereal, whatever. We'll have to make sure we get in lots of pampering this summer when we see you. I can't wait to have another little niece or nephew! Congrats and hope you get past the yuckies soon. love you!!!
I loved this post, it brought back so many memories that seem so long ago. How are we suppose to be back to back if you're already 7 weeks?!? I'm so very excited for you...and your babies were/are precious!
I am so excited for you! That is so fun. I relate to the sick part and cold cereal is my best friend too. Good luck, and let me know if you need anything.
I was wondering when you were going to join us 3 kid families, I can't believe that Wade and I are already there. Congratulations, but I'm sorry about the morning sickness, I was so lucky not to experience that.
Yea Jamie, that is soo great. If I remember correctly, that didn't take very long did it?? That is wonderful news. Soo sorry you are not feeling good. I don't have any advise. I was lucky to have not sick pregnancys. I hope you get past the "yucky" fast.
I was wondering when you were going to post the news! I am so excited for you and Jayson! Three is fun! Okay, I have one word for you that helped me with my first trimester sickness....ramen. It totally got me through. I don't know why but it did. I guess you like the weirdest things when you are prego! Let me know if you need anything! :)
Wow - I am really late to see this! I am so excited for you - congratulations. Three kids is fun and not as hard as I thought it would be. By the way, you guys make ADORABLE babies!
Wow! Great news! Congrats, I know you were so excited for this to happen...yea for sweet babies!
Congrats Jamie! Right now I am wondering if I should have waited the 3 1/2 years, what was I thinking??? A four year old a two year old and a new born...ahh.
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