Jason looks hot when he wakeboards.
Jason looks hot when he snowboards. But hands down, Jason looks the hottest when he's doing the dad thing. Ryder is such a daddy's boy. He's the only one of our kids who will pick Jason over me 100% of the time, it should make me said, but it doesn't. I love that he loves his daddy so much (despite head butting Jason and cutting his lip, which incidentally coincided with the cut he gave me from a tinker toy to the nose. That kid's a firecracker).
And it was totally worth being 15 min late to church (which, let's be honest, is our typical arrival time anyways) to take a few pictures of Jason teaching Jayden how to tie a tie for his first time. Yeah, I think I really kinda like this guy.
Awe, he is such a great dad. Such cute pictures!!! Totally worth being late for church for. Love it!!!
great dad! great wife for noticing!
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