Halloween 2010
Holidays are always hard when they land on a Sunday. After getting home from church at 3:00 it was a mad rush to get everything done (and everyone in bed at a semi-decent school night hour). We started out with an idea that I blatantly stole from my sister, and I am not ashamed to admit it because it was a really good idea, and that's what sisters are for. We had a "Cackle Cook's Cafe" (apparently there is a book with that same title that you are supposed to read before hand, which she sneakily forgot to tell me about, most likely because she was feeling threatened by me :). I (meaning "we") made up a menu and disguised all the food names so that they had no idea what they were ordering. The kids LOVED it. It was funny to see the looks on their faces when I brought their plates out and they realized what they actually ordered (dinner of corn, cool whip and carrots anyone? I showed a little mercy and let them change their orders).
Here's the menu:
Slimy worms and vampire blood (spaghetti and sauce)
Poison Ivy (salad)Skeleton bones (breadsticks)
Frog eyes (peas)
Pumpkin fingers (carrot sticks)
Goblin eyeballs (grapes)
Juicy Cranium (cantelope)
Scarecrow teeth (corn)
Pumpkin brain (pumpkin pie)
Ghost guts (cool whip)
Witch’s brew (apple cider)
Kylie took her table decorating assignment very seriously and she did a great job setting the mood.
After dinner we headed over to the neighbor's for the annual Halloween party (let's call it a "get together" for Sunday's sake :) where the kids ran wild and we managed to eat even more food while enjoying a little adult conversation. Then came the trick or treating. Yes we went trick or treating on Sunday, I won't try to justify it if you don't judge. Usually I stay home and pass out candy because the last time I went trick or treating was probably when Kylie was like 1 year old and it was freezing cold and the entire neighborhood was a ghost town. I thought Jason was getting the raw end of the deal while I had the luxury of a quiet house all to myself. I was wrong. I am so glad I went out, it was so much fun. I don't think I would have ever forgiven myself if I missed Maddox's first "real" trick or treating (probably the same way that I managed to forgive myself for missing Jaydens...oops). Seriously, his little "tick-a-teat" and "dank-oo" was the highlight of the holiday. Kylie treated the night as more of a social experience and was more interested in her friends then the candy. Jayden, as you can guess, had a whole different agenda. He was always atleast 2 houses ahead of everyone on his quest to get the most candy. I loved that the neighborhood was swarming with kids, there were so many people out and it reminded me of the good old days. For a while I was worried that trick or treating was a dying sport, it seems like there were years when we would only get a handful of trick or treaters and it made me sad. I was glad to see that begging for candy was back in style in a big way this year, it made for a very happy Halloween!