Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Guy Fawkes

So hundreds of years ago a guy named Guy Fawkes (which is really kind of a fashion forward name for a man of his century, don't you think?) tried to blow up the Parliament and kill King James, instead his plan was foiled and he was tortured to death. And now he has a holiday named after him.  I'm not entirely sure what exactly we're celebrating, but then again I'm not entirely sure what exactly we're celebrating when it comes to Halloween either, so I guess we're even.  All I know is that it meant fireworks on the beach and I was all over that. We got our fourth of July fireworks after all, just 4 months late. Everyone said the crowds would be insane, but there ain't no crowd like a black Friday Walmart crowd, so I knew we could handle it. The weather was amazing, which when it is freezing and rainy like it is right now then you learn to really appreciate the good days. We went early and ate a picnic dinner while the kids played, then the crowds started trickling in and the beach party began. It all felt so totally OC. (stop me now if all the beach pictures are starting to look the same)

Ryder fell asleep in the car on the way over and was so grumpy when he woke up. He cried and cried about wanting to go home until Jason took him on a long walk and he came back a new man. Apparently he's a poetry, candlelight dinner and long walk on the beach kinda guy.

I brought silly string without really considering just how hard it is to clean up silly string in the sand. Fail.

As the sun started setting the people and the fireworks came out. It was the most people I had seen gathered in New Zealand at one time and it was quite the party.  Earlier Jayden was so mad that he had to miss his Rugby match to come (nothing gets in the way of this boy and his sports), but all was forgiven as he laid his head in my lap and told me this was the best night ever. 


Tyler and Margaret said...

Well a very happy Guy Fawkes to you!!!

Just me said...

No, we won't get tired of the beach pics! - in my view, they get better and better (and they were already wonderful - how do you do that?!). Your humour is so lovely Jamie.

On a personal note, thank you for the last comment on my blog. You have become of one of the main and best encouragers in my life. Incredible. Thank you.

Alpine Ali (who just looked out the early morning window and it's snowing!... yee ha)

Jodee said...

Again, fire works and the beach... who cares what it's celebrating! Bring it on!

Janette said...

What a beautiful beach,and glad you got fireworks :)

Chelsea said...

It was still looking like Young Zealand until that last picture, ah ha, there are some other people enjoying the beauty of NZ too :) love all the pics but most especially the yellow flowers/ocean/jayden pic.

Chelsea said...
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Janessa said...

I was listening to my nerd station (classical music) the other day and they said that it was Guy Fawkes day. I had no idea what that was and feel so enlightened now. (I have to agree with you, totally cool name!) Too bad we don't get a party like that too! What a fun night. Glad the weather cooperated and that it even made up for missing Jayden's game. Awesome pictures!