Monday, April 09, 2012

So you think you can dance

Yes she does and yes she can and it makes me proud as a peacock to watch her do her thing. Lucky for me, this performance team has given me oodles of chances to see her in action.  This past weekend Jason and I had to tag team, I took the boys to Jayden's baseball game and he went on a little daddy date with Kylie to the Diamond backs game where she was performing.  I thought she would be nervous to perform at such a huge venue, but it was second nature to her.  I told Jason to take lots of pictures, which usually means he comes back with 10 copies of the same shot, but this time he did his job and It made me happy since I couldn't be there in person.

Diamondbacks game

Ostrich Festival Parade

I get the impression that Jayden doesn't get quite as excited as I do to see all the performances.  That, and he's pouting since he didn't catch one of the plastic footballs they were throwing out.

Ostrich Festival

I was really looking forward to this, we went years ago and had a lot of fun.  I was disappointed at how crowded it was.  The ostrich races were my favorite last time but Jason could barely squeeze the kids between the legs of perfect strangers to catch a peek and I stayed back on the grass and changed a dirty diaper in the middle of running kids and churro wrappers.  It was just as memorable, but a different kind of memorable.  Atleast the dancing made up for the lack of ostriching.

Such good sports, these boys of mine

Highschool half-time show 

I was flying solo with all four kids 2 hours after bedtime, so taking pictures was at the bottom of my list of concerns.  Or maybe it was because being in the high school scene again made me feel ancient and I'd rather not remember that part.  Either way, thanks Nicole for letting me steal this off your blog!


Chelsea said...

she's such a cute little dancer! You were a good sport to take on all the boys and the baseball game instead :)

Jodee said...

I love this! Madison has finally jumped o the dance bandwagon and I couldn't be happier! Kylie looks so adorable in her little outfits shakin her groove thang!

Janessa said...

How neat that she's had so many opportunities to perform as such cool places. Such fun costumes too! I wish I could wath her perform. She'll just have to put on a show for us in June. I wish Abby and Kambry were more into dance but it's just not their thing. It is most definitely Kylie's thing though. That girl has some skills! I love the pictures you have of the boys watching her. Ha, ha!