Sunday, February 19, 2012

Afternoon siesta

This is my new favorite time of day.  I put Ryder down for a nap then drag blankets, pillows and Maddox out to the back yard.  We have a picnic, sometimes read stories, and sometimes just listen to him jabber about how he loves brains and giraffs and whatever else pops into his little head, but always it ends with me giving into the sun, the pillow and heavy eyelids.  I usually bribe Maddox with Kylie's itouch to let me be.  I figure she owes me that much since she uses it to secretly record me singing along to the radio.  I usually give it 10 minutes tops before Maddox is poking my eyeballs to wake me up, but it is a heavenly 10 minutes and I'll take what I can get.


Janessa said...

What a sweet picture and what precious time with your NaNa. You're such a good mom to take time to enjoy that one on one time with him. I find myself hurrying off to try and get things done. Thanks for the reminder to take time to enjoy my little ones more.

Janessa said...

P.S. I need to talk to Kylie about listening to that recording. Sounds like good stuff:)

Jodee said...

That sounds dreamy...