Mama's Day
Forget Christmas and the Fourth of July, Mother's Day trumps them all. A day to snooze in bed while the rest of the household is busy making me breakfast, laying on the couch under the cool breeze of the ceiling fan listening to the clanging of dishes being washed and being showered with homemade cards and gifts. It doesn't get much better than that. I don't think everyone else feels the same way, in fact they all told me that they couldn't wait for it to be over and they were glad it only happens once a year. Maybe I was acting like too much of a diva? Nah, it's good for them to gain a greater appreciation for what us moms do day in and day out. Jason really is so good to spoil me and make sure I don't lift a finger the entire day. Jayden was in typical Jayden character and was gushing over what a wonderful mom I am when he wanted to eat the chocolate that they handed out to the moms at church (which was hard for me to share because ever since my last dr. appt. where I gained 5lbs in the last 2 weeks I have been really cutting back on the junk and was looking forward to my mother's day Ghiradelli splurge). His mood changed immediately when we got home and I told him he had to take one picture before he could change out of his church clothes. He is a fairweather fan of mine.
He also was so sweet to make me a flower out of a sucker and cardstock. He then changed his mind later that day and decided he would rather eat it. When I caught him with the stick poking out of his mouth he responded, "Mother's Day is pretty much over anyways". The only mother's day gift I wanted from the kids was to have an entire day without fighting. That didn't happen. In fact I think they fought more today than they have in a long time. It was depressing. But they did call a truce long enough to team up against Jason and Maddox as he captured them and put them in his "lair". Even more than the cute new diaper bag/purse that I picked out for myself, watching them play and laugh for that half hour was the best mother's day gift ever. I'm so grateful Heavenly Father trusted me enough to be a mom to these amazing kids and every day I have a greater appreciation for what my own mom has done for me (and all NINE of my siblings). I'm a lucky girl.
Fruit Pizza Cookies
16 hours ago
I am so glad you had a day to put your feet up and just relax (whether they liked it or not:) I agree with you, hearing others do dishes is one of the sweetest sounds in the world. Super cute pictures of you and your four babies. You look fantastic! Jayden's face in that second one cracks me up! HE cracks me up! "Mother's Day is pretty much over anyways" - Ha, ha, ha!!! You'll have to show off some pictures of your new bag since it may be a while before I see it in person. You are such an amazing example to me of a wonderful mother. Happy mother's day! I love you!!!
Which diaper bag/purse did you pick? I still haven't ordered mine. I'm curious!
oh, i love it. it cracked me up that they couldn't wait for it all to be over. You deserve to not lift a finger even more than most moms! you are fantastic! beautiful pic of you and the kids. My kids HATE taking pics in their church clothes too. Wah.
Ha ha, my kids said the same thing about wanting it to be over. I agree with you, totally trumps all other holidays, except maybe my birthday;)
You are one great momma and deserve to put those feet up. Happy Mother's Day Jame!
You're an awesome Mom!! Love you!!!
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