I really can't be too mad at PWC for making Jason travel so much when we get to go stay with him at places like the J.W. Marriott. Since he was going to be in Tucson for 2 weeks I decided to take the kids out of school for a day to go and stay with him (for our weekly conjugal visit, as my friend Heidi referred to it). We had the best time and I only wish we could have stayed for the entire two weeks. We held onto our tradition of dinner at Oregano's (that place is always so crowded, but their chicken caesar salad and pazookie's make it oh soooo worth it), then Jason took the kids for a late night swim. Usually when we go to Tucson we spend the day out at the zoo, park or just exploring around. This time we had all the fun we needed right at the hotel. With a water slide, splash pad, lazy river and several pools, the kids were in heaven and we only took a break long enough for lunch and a nap for Maddox (and homework, what a buzz kill). They thought the slide was especially fun since the life guard could care less if they went down backwards, upside down, on top of each other, whatever goes. I decided to stay that night then woke up and left at 6:30 the next morning to get Kylie to school on time. I wish our "fieldtrip" (as Jayden calls any vacation we go on) was longer, but we definately made the most of it!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The big 9-0!
This past weekend was quite the party weekend for the Young family. After Jessica's graduation they were able to head up to Sunnyvale, CA to celebrate Gon-Gon's (Chinese for grandpa on the mother's side. I should know since I'm pretty much half chinese) 90th birthday. This was definately an occasion worth celebrating, especially since last November he suffered a severe heart attack. The doctors said to gather the family around for their final goodbyes then he had a miraculous recovery and is doing so great now. His healthy diet and daily work outs at the YMCA have definately paid off! For a man turning 90, he sure partied hard this weekend. The celebration started when the family all got together for lunch, then went to a hotel by the beach where they stayed the night playing games and hanging out at the beach. The next day they had lunch and a party at the park with all his friends. Gon Gon is such a sweet man and we wish we could have all been there to celebrate his big day. Happy birthday, we love you! (thanks, Andrea for the pictures!)
Jessica's graduation
Jason's baby sister graduated from BYU with a degree in psychology and we're proud of her for all her hard work and wish her the best of luck in grad school (the fun never ends)! Jason was glad he was able to make it up for the big event. It was a quick weekend, but he had fun hanging out with his family. Unfortunately we all couldn't make it up, so I don't know all the details, but I guess the pictures are self explanatory....Congrats, Aunt Ca-Ca, you look beautiful on your big day!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Moms gone wild
So many girls, so little sleep, so much food and soooo much laughing. I seriously don't remember the last time I laughed this hard. We had the best girls weekend at my friend Alisa's cabin.....I had major flashbacks of girl's camp as we loaded up our caravan. The party girls: Angie, Laura, Marcee, Cari, Julie, Alisa, Lisa, Kris, Melissa, Lori, Chelsea, (me), Kristen and Amy.First stop: Branding Iron Steakhouse. I don't think Show Low knew what hit them when 14 girls took over their favorite joint. We were fooled by the jam packed parking lot (although the wagon wheel and pick ax decor should have been a sign) and left wondering why anyone would pay $23 for this:
and $12 for this:
Chels and I thought we were going the safe route by ordering the potatoe skins that the waitress highly recommended but we all learned that there was no safe route at this joint and we all payed for it the rest of the weekend. uggg.
The trip got off to a good start and got only better after that when Kristen got pulled over. It's a good thing she was cute enough to get out of a ticket ;)We stayed up until 4 am talking, eating, laughing, laughing, eating and talking then Chels and I snuggled up in the honeymoon suite. Who knew a double bed could be so tiny? ha! After we (as in me and Chelsea, since everyone else woke up at like 6 AM to go run like 10 miles) slept in until 10:00 we went for a hike then showered before heading out for the much anticipated blueberry cobbler, which did not disappoint. Our waiter did not disappoint, either. From the perfectly manicured 'stache, to the beads of sweat dripping from his forehead, to the sassy attitude, we all had fun with him and I'm pretty sure he was glad when we all left.
I think Greer was about ready to see our entourage leave when we disturbed their quiet evening by all piling into one SUV (where I had a major panic attack when I was stuck in the back and ended up climbing over everybody to get to the front. Not a pretty sight. Thanks Melissa for retrieving my shoe.) then went dragging main and doing chinese fire drills in front of the only restraunt that was open past 9:00. I don't think Greer has ever seen that much action. It was one of those times where we thought we are sooooo hilarious but were the only ones laughing (especially after the THIRD round). We were debating whether the old guys on the balcony of the bar were saying "grandmas" or "take it off". I don't think we should flatter ourselves, considering we were a bunch of moms running around screaming in our pajamas. Oh well, atleast we thought we were funny.We also had some fun with the cabin decor...it's a good thing Alisa's dad is such a good hunter, otherwise what would we pose with?? (by the way guys, thanks for letting me know that my shirt is see through. Nice G's. I thought I was doing good to wear a black bra.)Chelsea having an intimate moment with the bear...Julie and I having an intimate moment with "grandpa Isak".... What a seriously fun weekend. I can't wait for next time (there BETTER be a next time!). Thanks so much, Alisa!!
As much fun as we had, it's always nice to come home to my family. Maddox does this thing where he gets so excited and waves his chubby little arms and legs all over the place whenever he sees me and I couldn't wait to see it. So of course I was crushed when he didn't want anything to do with me. Nine months of constant care, then I leave for 2 days and he totally forgets who I am!! He cried whenever I would hold him and would reach out to Jason. Of course Jason loved it and credited it to "the hand that feeds him". He also learned to pull himself up on furniture and crawl on his hands and knees instead of doing the army crawl. All in TWO DAYS. I was a sad mama.
Dads gone wild
All work and no play makes Jay a dull boy. So it's a good thing all the boys decided to meet up for a wakeboarding trip in Vegas. After five long weeks (for both of us!) of working in Vegas, Jason was excited to spend the weekend playing with the guys. Apparently the testosterone was flying and ended with Dave chipping his tooth and getting the worst bruise ever (sorry Candace, Jason insisted that I see the picture of his bruised hiney--yowza!). That's pretty much all I know that went down that weekend, the rest I guess stays on the boat.