One Month
Sniff, sniff. I can't believe my itty-bitty boy is already a month old. Highlights from this past month include: eating all the time, pooping all the time and sleeping some of the time. He's not too bad at night (he's usually asleep between 8-9:00 and goes for 4-5 hr. stretches. It's made a difference moving him out of the cradle in our room and into the crib because I don't wake up with every little noise he makes), it's just the naps that are killing me. He only falls asleep in the bouncy chair with the vibrator on, the car, or if I'm carrying him in the sling. If I try laying him down then he wakes up after 5 minutes. He also loves taking cat naps instead of good solid naps. I've never read Babywise and you would think by my 3rd kid I would know what I was doing, but I think I'm going to have to bust it out this time. He is pretty happy, though and there's nothing that a bottle or nursing can't fix. So far he hasn't had the fussy period in the evenings that my other kids had, so that makes me a happy momma. He is still as cute as ever, although he's broken out with the dreaded baby acne. It always makes me sad to see their perfect, soft newborn skin break out. I overheard Kylie tell her friend "don't worry, it's not a disease on his face so you won't get it". Sad. She also gave me my reality check the other day. Just as I started running again and trying to get back to my pre-prego weight, she informs me that my arms and thighs are "puffy". But apparently it's okay because she "likes the way they jiggle". Gotta love that brutal honesty. I'm not sure how much he weighs now, but at 3 weeks he weighed 8 lb 8 oz and his cute little chicken legs are starting to plump up. When I took him for his weight check, he totally peed all over the nurse, the scale and inside my diaper bag. I forget what those little guys are capable of. We're all still totally in love with this guy and the novelty of a new baby hasn't come close to wearing off. My favorite things about Maddox are when he snuggles up on my shoulder with his mouth close to my ear and I can hear all his little grunts, lip smacking, breathing and squeaks; or when he smiles and sighs in his sleep; or when he purses his little lips and his mouth makes this tiny little circle; or the little shiver he makes when I tickle his neck or back; or the way he looks at me out of the corner of his eye when he's nursing; or the way he arches his tiny back and curls in his little arms and legs when he stretches; or when I try to kiss those irresistable lips and he opens his mouth wide and moves his little head all over trying to find food; or when he burps or passes gas--it's music to my ears because I know that it makes him feel better; or when he stares at me with those intense eyes, I just wonder what's going on in his little head....who am I kidding, I love absolutely everything about this little guy!
He is precious Jamie. I can not believe how fast time goes. Take lots of pictures.
I would totally read Babywise. It's hard to follow, but it works like a charm! He is pretty darn cute - good work - is it time for our cruise yet? :-)
he is so dang cute, and thanks for making this cold hearted snake start to feel tiny feelings of what some might call baby hunger...kylie is hilarious!! and you should be happy she didn't even mention your tummy, which is where the baby just came from! don't listen to her, you look fabulous!! she is a crack up.
yes read baby wise!! do you want me to pick it up for you at the library? I so remember that dreaded phase where they won't sleep unless they are held, etc. its the worst! I can't believe the tummy sleep doesn't make it better?
How did that happen?! Seriously, wasn't he just born like a week or two ago? That is such an adorable picture. I just want to kiss those cute little chubby cheeks and ask him what deep thought he is thinking. He totally has a deep thought look in his eyes. He's going to be a smart one...of course - he's chinese:) You just tell Kylie to wait until she has a baby. She'll be wishing she looked as hot as her mama did after having a baby. That's so nice of Kylie to let everyone know that Maddox doesn't have a disease - so funny! Did you edit out the baby acne in this picture? I'm not really seeing it. I am just dying to hold a little newborn after reading about all his little snuggles and grunts in your ears. How sweet!
I hope I've developed some thick skin by the time Maggie becomes brutally honest. And I feel your pain about the nap thing. The only way Mags will sleep is on her belly with one of my hands holding her head down and the binky in her mouth, and the other hand bouncing her bum up and down on the mattress. Logan saw me doing that today and said it looked like I was torturing her. The things we'll do to get them to sleep...
oh i love those newborn noises, he does have very intense eyes, your kids look like baby gap models- i bet you hear that all the time :)
Wow, a month old- What a cutie. It seems like my babies always get the baby acne just in time for their blessing day! Mia always seems to inform me on any new developments with Maddox. She was telling me today about how much hair Maddox has! Mia is kind of jealous that Kylie has new baby and she doesn't. Too bad, Mia!
I know, I hate that Ella is 2 months already. Kids are funny, the other day I was getting workout DVD's out and Branson asked me why and I told him because I wanted to be skinny again, he promplty told me no, I don't want you to be skinny, I like you soft :).
Oh yes, Babywise. I read it and lived by it but my rascals still wouldn't sleep until they were 6 months. Hope Maddox cooperates better for you! He's adorable in every way! Oh, I love it when I would give my newborn babies kisses on the cheeks and they try to find food, its so funny!
One month already? It seems like you were just pregnant a few days ago! I have GOT to get down there and see you all, I miss you!
I can't believe that he is a month already! Where does the time go? He is still as cute as ever!
He is unbelievably beautiful, Jamie! Just wait, it gets worse every time. Seriously, my heart aches every single time Joshua gives me a tight squeeze, a precious grin, or some other adorable thing. I am soaking him in and he is already 18 months old!!!
I don't know if I miss those first two months quite yet. It may take another year or two. I am in heaven now that they are sleeping at night. But with the twins if felt like one was always awake. I did Babywise with them, but didn't really start until 10-12 weeks and I was only really strick until they were sleeping at least 6 or 7 hours straight at night, then I stopped waking them up every 3 hours and let them settle into their own schedule. Good luck
Time does fly! Briar is now 3 months old and I can't figure out how that's even possible. Hopefully you can slow down time a little better than I!
Elijah was like that with the sleeping. I figured out he would sleep immediately when he was in his swing. I think he took his naps there for the first six months. Don't judge...a momma needs her baby to nap dang it! He's a cutie!
He really does have such kissable lips. I really need my baby fix and I would love to hang out and hold your baby :) Ok, you totally have lost so much weight so fast, I am amazed! Don't worry Trevor has also pointed out that my tummy looks big and I have lost all of my baby weight...what do these kids expect out of us!!? :)
Wow...he is so cute! I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing very similar symptoms that I am...what is it with these pathetic naps? And I hate the baby excema. All my kiddos have had it though I believe I am keeping Aiden's contained better than I did with Grayson and Alora. If you figure out how to get Maddox to take great naps, let me know!
love your photos and stories. i have just been reading and "catching up" with you. we definatly should be blogging buddies. i am just not very goot at it at the moment!
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