Thursday, October 25, 2018


These two are such cute friends. It was no surprise that Dylan asked Kylie to homecoming, but what was a surprise was that he gave her two baby chicks when he asked her! He was smart to give them to her with the promise that he would take them back, because Jason was not to thrilled about the idea of having chickens. Kylie is never home so Maddox and Ryder were quick to volunteer to take care of them. They played with them every day and made sure they had enough food, water and heat. Apparently we aren't cut out for farm life since one of them died. Thankfully that was not a bad omen for Homecoming! They had such a fun group this year. They went tubing on the Salt River for their day date the weekend before. For the dance I got volunteered to take pictures. I embarrassed Kylie with my sweaty pits, but taking pictures of 14 teenagers in the desert heat is enough to make anybody sweat! They were a lot of fun though, and it was a good excuse to get to know them better. After the dance they went swimming and hung out until well after midnight. She came home excited and exhausted, and with red stains on her cute white dress from the confetti. What can you do? These teenager years are fun, way more fun than I had expected. Helping my daughter get ready for a school dance is something I used to dream about and now that it's here I am loving it!

1 comment:

Just me said...

She's such a sweetie, J! And you such a lovely mom.