Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Herrera's take New Zealand official soundtrack 

A little ditty Melissa put together of their trip here. The quality isn't that great when I transferred it, but you get the gist. Good times, good times.


Janessa said...

You know I love each and every picture you take, Jame, but sometimes there's just nothing like some good old video footage. Thanks for putting that together, Melissa! It was fabulous! I love Maddox's face when he pulls that carrot out of the ground and that tree branch rodeo looks like quite the ride! I love that Pac N Save made the video too! The Queenstown trip coverage was great too! I am dreaming of going bungee jumping off that bridge someday! That is so awesome! Your silly husbands crack me up! What a fun, fun trip!!!

Ronnie said...

so fun! I love seeing video of your cute family!