Christmas 2009
Instead of enjoying the Christmas season throughout the month of December, it seems like we crammed everything into a couple of days. The whole crocheted hat thing got a bit out of control and although I was grateful for all the orders, I was feeling totally overwhelmed and sad that I couldn't enjoy the holidays with the kids. Once I finished, we hit the holidays hardcore with non stop cookie baking, ginerbread house decorating (this was the first year we finally graduated from the graham crackers to the real kit),

Christmas crafts, Christmas stories and movies (I let the kids decorate a Christmas tree in the loft and their favorite thing was having sleepovers under the lighted tree and watching a different Christmas movie each night while they fell asleep. We started reading "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" each night, which was one of my favorites, but they were more interested in just watching the movies. Typical. Maybe next year...), making and delivering neighbor treats, shopping, and blasting Christmas music throughout the house all day long. We were excited to have aunt Jessica come at the last minute and the novelty of her visits could never wear off, the kids love seeing her. The Christmas eve line-up started with a big Turkey dinner. This year I decided to make it fun for the kids and do a sort of candle-light restraunt thing. The kids helped me make menus then they got all dressed up and we took turns being waiters/waitresses and ate a cozy little candle-light dinner.

Then came the open-first pj's, and then the nativity.

No matter how hard I try to make this part spiritual, it always ends up being the funniest part of the night.

The naked "baby Jesus" trying to pull the donkey stole the show.

Then we tracked Santa on Norad. I was excited to see they had satellite video this year, but it didn't do much in the convincing department as it was totally obvious that it was computer animated and not the real deal. Good thing Rudolph and his shiny red nose pulled through as we managed to spot him as we sat on the porch watching. The kids slept in our room, and even though Kylie was up at 5:00 they did good to let us sleep until 7:00.

Santa didn't disappoint this year and Jayden was excited about his new bike, lego sets, wii games and bionicles.

Kylie was thrilled with her Nintendo DS, Heelys and Twinkle Toes.

Poor Maddox...all he got was a dump truck and a couple of books.

Kylie was swimming in presents when she was his age but I refuse to buy more obnoxious baby toys that take up too much space. He doesn't need presents to know he's loved, right? Right?? I think his favorite present, though, was the bubbles that Jayden picked out for him at the dollar store. I must have been a good girl too, because Santa didn't leave me out this year. I was more than content with my beloved Dyson (which I opened 3 weeks early because I couldn't stand it any longer), but Jason totally surprised me and stayed up until 2:30 on Christmas eve putting knobs on the kitchen cabinets (and then up until midnight the next night finishing the drawer pulls).

I've been wanting them for like the past 3 years and I think he finally got the hint :). It was the best surprise ever and so thoughtful. And I'm sure he was equally thrilled with the basket ball shoes that I bought him. That he picked out himself. I think he needs to find a new Santa next year. I suck at surprises. We spent the rest of the day as all Christmas days should be spent, staying in our pajamas, playing with toys, eating leftovers and not doing an ounce of work. It's the one day I can let the house go and not stress about the mess (need I remind you about my OCD...) and just enjoy being together as a family. Ahhhh, I love Christmas.