Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Kylie has really taken an interest in cooking lately and not only have I loved having her next to me in the kitchen, but it has also given me the motivation to resurrect my old recipe blog in hopes of making a recipe book for her to take to college someday (if I can even bring myself to let her go! We're not talking about that right now, though). Anyways, I've added a link on my sidebar (www.whowantsdinner.blogspot.com) if you're interested. I can't promise the pictures will be spectacular or the dialogue entertaining but I can guarantee that all the recipes are tried and true and get a big fat Young family stamp of approval!


Janessa said...

I can assure you that the pictures will indeed be spectacular and the dialogue will be very entertaining in true Jamie fashion. I have loved every recipe I have tried from you and am excited to see where this adventure leads! As a side note, we need to let the girls do some cooking together next time we're together. Abby especially loves to create in the kitchen!

Jodee said...

WOW! dust that thing right off! I will have to pop on over, it's been a few years ;)