First Day
I can still remember how nervous I would get the night before the first day of school, so I was surprised that Kylie didn't seem the least bit nervous at all. She was so excited to go back, mostly because she lucked out to get in a class with a really nice teacher and alot of her friends. She woke up at 5:30 am and was so excited to go. She had her outfit picked out for an entire week before and insisted on wearing jeans, even though it was around 110 degrees that day (okay, so I have to confess, the sweater was my idea. She really wanted to wear the dark blue shirt with the dark blue jeans and I just couldn't let her do it. Those school uniforms need as much help as they can get. Any other day but the first day I would let her get away with the blue on blue combo, but I just couldn't today. Maybe one day she'll thank me. I told her she could take it off once she got to school, but I was feeling very guilt stricken as she walked in the door after school with the sweater still on and sweat glistening off her forehead and the first thing she said was, "I'm
sooo sweaty!!!" Atleast she looked cute, even if I am the worst mom. Oh, but I did give in and let her get the book bag that is twice as big as her own body). I love that she still wants us to walk her to class on the first day and will even pose for pictures. I don't know how many more years I'll be able to take a picture of her holding her dad's hand while walking to school. We love you Kylie and am glad you are enjoying school so much. I already miss having you around and Jayden and Maddox have decided that you are much more fun to play with than I am. Good luck and enjoy second grade!