Sunday, April 09, 2017

Ski Board Bums

The novelty of spending time on the mountain as a whole family has not worn off, not even close. Ryder is still on the beginner hill and is very vocal about wanting only dad to help him, which is understandable since I only managed twice for us to not fall into a crumbled heap while helping him off the lift. I'm sure the lift operator rolled his eyes every time he saw us coming. But he's catching on quick and it won't be long before we can all tackle the bigger slopes together. And by big I mean a green or blue run at the most. Jayden, Kylie and Maddox continue to impress me with how much they've improved, especially Jayden. He is his father's son afterall. He is determined to get better and faster, where as Kylie is more like me and just has fun making her way down, don't get me wrong, she's still pretty fast but is content on not pushing herself to the extreme. Oh what fun it is to ride...trying to think of a clever way to tie that song in, but I'm drawing a blank. It's just fun. Snowboarding was the definite highlight of the trip, but the pool came in a close second. You would think these little Arizona babies would ever tire of swimming, but they don't. The first day there was a rainy and cold one, we debated back and forth about what to do, but in the end we took the easy way out. We slept in, enjoyed a nice continental breakfast with a side of life sized chess, then spent a good couple hours in the pool and hot tub. Jason is such a fun dad to get right in there playing sharks and minnows. I am quite content to sit and enjoy the view from the hot tub, but so glad they get at least one fun parent. In my defense, I did play one short round of sharks and minnows and I'll never admit it out loud but it was kind of fun, I just don't mix well with cold-ish water. 

We eventually got dressed and made our way to the historic downtown for a late lunch and overpriced candy at Fuzziwigs. It was a soggy walk but totally worth it for RGP's flame grilled wraps. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

We went to Walmart. Which seems to be about the last place you would want to find yourself while on vacation. But it was such an unexpectedly fun trip. We let the kids stock up on all the junk food they have been deprived of since our New Year's resolution, they had sausage sword fights, jumping contests and family votes over donuts vs sugar cookies and deli trays. Everyone was in a good mood, lots of laughing and inside jokes and just the kind of random memory that will put a smile on my face years from now when I come across the video of Jason running through the aisle to jump and reach the sign hanging from the ceiling.

And then a day together on the mountain with crystal blue skies, it doesn't get much better than this.

They all got so made at me for snapping this picture, but it was one of my favorite memories of the trip, all gathered around the lap top watching the go pro videos and laughing hysterically when Maddox fell and landed on Kylie's board then hitched a ride on her board before she fell and did a front somersault. We watched it at least 16 times. It's the moments like these that I love. And when we're piled together on the pull out playing a rowdy game of Play Nine, or running on the treadmill with Kylie, Jason judging diving and belly flop contests with all the kids in the pool, or snowball fights on the mountain, or how the boys would hide at the bottom of the stairs so that they could "scare" us every single time, or Kylie getting so excited about hot Cheetos, or the moment when we realized we had all been using someone else's toothbrush. Yes, no matter how grand the vacation is, these are always the golden moments I want to remember.

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