A birthday shout out to my main squeeze! This was definately a low key birthday for Jason, but it was nice just being together with our little family. After playing super dad and super mom for the past week, I think Jason was ready to take full advantage of the "no working on your birthday" rule. The kids were so thoughtful and wrapped up pretty much every toy they owned to give to him for his presents (don't mind that I'm in the background nursing while cooking breakfast. It's all about multi-tasking these days). We sure love you, Jay/daddy! We can't tell you enough how grateful we are to have you, thanks for all you do!
Happy Birthday Jay! (Should I say Jason now that you officialy have a Jay?) You are such a great dad and father, not to mention brother-in-law, and you will always hold the grill master title in my mind. Hope you had a nice relaxing birthday. I just know the highlight of your day was talking to your favorite sister-in-law on the phone, right? BTW, nice job on the multi tasking Jame! I don't know if I've ever tried cooking and nursing at the same time. Kudos to you!
I wish I could multi task like that! That is another story for another day (or place)! Anyway, Happy Birthday Jason!
Happy Birthday Jay! (Should I say Jason now that you officialy have a Jay?) You are such a great dad and father, not to mention brother-in-law, and you will always hold the grill master title in my mind. Hope you had a nice relaxing birthday. I just know the highlight of your day was talking to your favorite sister-in-law on the phone, right? BTW, nice job on the multi tasking Jame! I don't know if I've ever tried cooking and nursing at the same time. Kudos to you!
Happy Birthday Jason!!
Happy Birthday, Jason! I should have checked here earlier... Shane would have loved to have given you a RAZZ! :)
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