(The hardest part of having three kids is trying to take their picture! Aiyiyi! I won't deny that I used up half the halloween candy as bribery)
They say that the thid one is the easiest and so far I have to agree. Of course he still does sleep all the time, but when he is awake he is just so chill. He lays there so relaxed just looking all around. He doesn't do too bad at night either. I usually go to bed around 9:00 and leave Maddox with Jason to watch Sports Center all night (except on special occasions like Thursdays "The Office" night. I have to gear up by taking a nap so that I can wait up for Jason to get back from basketball and we can watch it together. Long gone are those late nights together, it's sad). He usually sleeps for 4 hrs after his last feeding, then gets up again about 3 hrs later then goes back down until morning. The nursing isn't going quite as planned. I had high hopes with the herbs and prescription from my doctor, but I am still lacking in the milk department. Oh well, I tried my best. I haven't given up completely, I'm doing both for now and I have to admit that I had forgotten how much I love the convenience of the bottle. I'm not as stressed about it as I was with the others, in fact, I'm not as stressed about a lot of things. I feel like this time around I kind of know a little more what I'm doing and with such a big space between him and Jayden I don't feel so overwhelmed. I don't worry about spoiling him, if he cries I hold him. I don't worry about sticking completely to a schedule, if he's hungry I feed him. I don't worry about forming bad habits, if he starts waking up at 6:00am I snuggle with him in bed until he goes back to sleep. I don't worry about trying to keep him awake during the day so that he sleeps better at night, if he's tired I let him sleep. I think we're both a lot happier. My recovery is also soooo much better this time around. I still don't know what was worse, the C-section or the 4th degree tear, but this episiotomy thing is a piece of cake (sorry, a little too much information). And I've managed to keep my emotions in check this time around too. Jason was expecting the infamous phone call on his first day back to work where I'm sobbing and pleading for him to come home, but so far I've been doing great. Things may change in a week or two, but for now I'm enjoying each day at a time.
What a good big brother and sister they are! Such precious photos. I'm glad that you are doing well. I've heard the 3rd can be hard. I'm glad it's not the case for you. Good thing you still have your time scheduled in to watch "The Office" You can only sacrifice so much, right? :)
These are great pics! I can't get enough.. What kind of camera to you have? You are really great at taking pics. I am so amazed! I love hearing all the sweet stories of your new little family. I can relate to what your saying about not being as stressed. I am all about the no neglecting thing. I need to sit down and write about some of this stuff before I forget. Way to be on top of it! Your amazing! p.s. You look amazing too!
The pictures are great! They are totally worth whatever you had to do to get them. I would think 3 would be so much harder than two but it sounds like you are such a supermom! I can't believe you have already found time to do one on one time with the others. I'll have to throw my props in for Jason too. He is a great dad! I'm glad to hear that things are going well. And hey, if you do need to call someone and cry, try me(even though I know I am so far away that I can't come save or help you). It might just make you feel better to vent to someone and have a good cry(husbands don't always appreciate those moments). You sound like you have it all figured out though. Keep posting pics because I can't get enough of them. I feel like I check the blog every few hours to see if there is anything new or to just look over the first amazing pics you posted.
I totally agree with 3 being so much easier than 2. It seems like everything is just so much more relaxed. I remember with Kate especially I never wanted to go anywhere because I was always afraid that she would be hungry and how would I feed her out in public! (she had a serious aversion to the bottle). With Brooke I feed her in the car and in public restrooms. I go wherever I want knowing I can handle it. I am so glad the 3rd has been good for you too. Maddox is so sweet, it makes me sad that Brooke is already 5 months old, enjoy him while he is so tiny.
You are like the perfect mom! I love to see you in action (well, in action through the blog). You just handle everything so well. You really seem to know what's important and worth worrying about and what to let go of. You really know how to balance it all so well. I'm so glad Maddox is so good for you and that you are all enjoying him so much! Those pictures are so adorable. You really are talented! It doesn't hurt that your kids are so stinkin' cute and would look cute no matter what they were doing:) I love you tons and wish I could give each of them a big hug and kiss. Thanks for giving me such a cute niece and nephews!!!
oh I wish you lived close so you could take some pix of my kiddlets- I am no good and I am dreading the trip to JC penny. I am so glad things are going so well and he is so easy. At this moment I have Maddie straped to my chest in the Moby and I'm bouncing on the yoga ball- this is how I keep her content :)
Those pictures are beautiful...I absoloutly love them and what awesome moments in time to share with your kids...You have such a beautiful family...
I am so sorry we missed last night. It looks like so much fun!!I feel like such a flake, but we will have to do it again...BTW you look great! I can't believe that you JUST had a baby!!!I am so happy for you guys in this fun time in your lives...Congratulations!!!
P.S We will see you guys on Wed. because we invited ourselves to your trunk or treat...I can't wait to see you guys!!
How sweet are those pics. Thanks for the invite.
The third has been the easiest for me too...in some ways it gets easier the older he will get. Like right now all 3 of my boys go to bed at 8 pm and Craig and I have time together now.
You take great pictures of your kids. They turned out absolutely beautiful! You're kids are very adorable. Keep up the good recovery; it seems like the adjustment is going well for you.
Wow, you keep impressing me with your average camera taking not-so-average pictures! Awesome!
Beautiful pictures and you look amazing! Cant wait to see that baby - were you at church?
These photos are just too precious!!
Great pictures! So sweet! It was so much fun to see you and Maddox last week! He is so darling! I loved holding him! So cute!
Those are so cute! I love the natural light, you did great! I love 4, 8, and the last one.
wow great pics. you don't need me to take them for you.. they are so cute.
Jamie, Congrats on the baby. I have been totally out of it! I am so busy so I didn't read anything yet but the pics of the kiddos are too adorable! I hope to see the baby soon! You look amazing by the way! Only you Jamie!!
Oh my gosh, those pictures are precious!!!!
Those pictures are great! Kylie seems to really be enjoying Maddox. It is probably great that she is old enough to help with him. I am glad you are recovering so well.
The pics are awesome and I'm glad you just do what you want as far as keeping you and your baby happy. Let me know how I can help out.
What a beautiful baby! And the others are cute too : )
I'm glad you're doing alright. Please let me know if I can help in any way.
Oh my cute pictures. Serious. I love them.
i love the new pictures! i can't wait to meet him! Great incentive to come down to AZ.
How terrible of a cousin am I??? I didn't even know you were pregnant! Congratulation! You're family is just beautiful.
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