Damage Control
So Kylie had a neighbor friend and a friend from the ward over to play. They're in the playroom and I overhear a conversation about coffee. Kylie and her mormon friend are telling the neighbor girl that people who drink coffee live with Satan. What?! I go in there to clear things up and apparently they have been telling the poor little neighbor girl that she is going to go live with Satan because she's not mormon and that her dad is going to live with Satan because he has an earring and pretty much that her family is destined to an eternity in hell because they don't believe what we believe. I was mortified. I tried to do some quick damage control to clear things up but I knew this would not go over well when she told her mom about the crazy mormon neighbors. I wanted to bring it up when she picked her kids up, but she was in a hurry, so I called her later and left a message with the daughter to have her call me back. When she never called me back I was convinced it was because she hated me. That night around 9:30 we get a call. It's the husband. He wants to talk to Jason. Outside. Alone. I was sure Jason was in for a butt kicking and Jason was just mad that somehow he got dragged into the whole mess. Jason did a good job apologizing and trying to convince him that we really don't brain wash our kids. Much to my relief the dad was nice about it. I couldn't sleep that night because I felt so bad and was nervous to talk to the mom in the morning (it also didn't help that I was up all night with false labor...the doc stripped my membranes earlier that day which pretty much felt like he ripped out my uterus with his bare hands. I think he probably still has claw marks from my nails digging into him. I was having contractions 3-5 min. apart for about 3 hrs and was sure it was the real thing. Then they went away. All that stripping for nothing.). I went over this morning to talk to the mom (and to have Kylie apologize) and she was really nice about it but I still feel horrible. I thought I was doing a good job teaching Kylie what was right and wrong, but it's hard for her to understand that it's wrong for her to do something but okay for someone else to do the same thing. I tried to explain that they just have different beliefs but that they are still good people, but she is determined that we need to tell them that it's wrong so that they will know better. What a hard concept to teach to a 6 year old! No wonder people think mormons are weird.
No Bake Cheesecake (with sweetened condensed milk)
12 hours ago
Oh wow! I would die! I feel really bad that this made me laugh because I KNOW I would be crapping my pants if that ever happened. Poor Jason... how funny that the dad wanted to "speak to him outside!" CRAZY! It IS a hard thing to teach kids. Madison tells my dad all the time that coffee is bad for his body. Or she tells my neighbor that Tea is bad for you when she asks me to come have some with her. So hard! I just keep telling her that we believe different things and that is Ok, someday it will make sense... I hope!
OH Jamie, I can just picture that same thing happening over here. (Good thing your blog is private caus I know my neighbor blog hops.) I LOVE our neighbors. They are a great family with strong beliefs and opinions. We have never had a conflict with them, if fact we have had lots of "talks". I just wonder one day if it will ever come up between my girls and their kids. She asked me point blank one day if there was a certain age that my kids wouldn't be allowed to play with hers anymore? I just hope that my girls will always be a good influence and example and NEVER say something to upset them.
I think you and Jason must have handled it great.
Jason is really good at schmoozing people. I'm sure it went over really well. YIKES! Just one more thing I have to worry about for the future...
Good luck with the labor stuff! I laughed out loud at the phrase "all that stripping for nothing." HAHAHAHAHA!
I'm so sad you didn't have that baby! You were counting on a good strip show to do the trick. Dang it! All those contractions had to do some good though. They weren't in vain.
I'm with Jodee on feeling bad that your neighbor story made me laugh. I'm glad Jason didn't get a butt kickin'. I'm sure Kylie has the best of intentions she just needs to work on the PR end of things. Abby has a friend that she wants so badly to become a mormon. I have to keep an eye on her when this friend comes over. I've found the poor girl cornered with Abby reading the BOM to her and telling her all about the do's and don'ts of being mormon. Again, the best of intentions. It's hard to teach some things to kids without making them lose their enthusiasm for the gospel. Good luck!
Oh MAN! Poor Jason! I would have been scared to death to go out and meet him. EEEK. It is so hard trying to explain to our kids the way we try to live and that it does not coincide with EVERYONE else. Its only natural for them to think that everyone lives the same way. We had to pick up Mindy last Sunday from Costco where she was getting tires, and Brayden was wondering why so many people were at Costco on Sunday. Luckily he asked me right before she hopped in because then he said "I guess millions of people CHOOSE THE WRONG." I am sorry, it is tough! you both handled it well.
We've had a few close calls here too...although mostly bragging, showing off and trying to explain all the cool things that Sister Garrison sends home from Primary. Glad Jason was the one who got to handle the "clean up" ..isn't that what Dad's are for?? We are excited for baby Young to arrive...and honestly I can't believe you are still spinning!
I'm not sure if I had my membranes stripped, but it sounds very painful! And I laughed picturing Jason going out there for the "talk." You are totally right - no wonder everyone thinks we're so wierd :)
Jamie, I think I just might know who Kylie's mormon friend is!! You handled the situation very well! Hang in there girl-any baby yet? You better call me!
Oh no, I would have died!! I'm glad that we usually don't have to deal with that to much around here..one nice perk of being a Utahn. I'm sorry about the false labor. I've never had to have my membranes stripped, it doesn't sound fun. Hopefully, next time when I check in, you have had the baby!!!
What a hard situation! At least now you know what you need to start "brainwashing" Kylie with-acceptance. I think you guys handled it very well and you never know, maybe these guys-someday-will really look at our church. Also, I keep thinking about you. Everyday I wonder if this is the day you will have the baby. Are you going to be induced? You're not having a C-section, right? I just think about you so much and can't wait to see pics(and hear the name) for this little guy!
Wow that is crazy. I feel for you, I know that something is bound to happen like that at our house too. You poor thing, I am sorry about those stinkin contractions. I am totally hoping that you have him everyday! I am actually blog stalking you because I am so excited everyday to see if he is here. Hang in there. You are so almost done. Talk to you soon.
Oh my heavens! That is such a tough thing to teach our kiddos. We want to teach them that we don't do those things and at the same time..teach them to not be judgemental. It is hard for them to understand. Sierra is 8 and is just NOW catching on so I think age does help.
I can't believe that you are 8 days away! I am so excited for you. I am sure that you are beyond anxious. This is always such a hard time just waiting and feeling miserable and wondering WHEN you are going to go into labor. Keep us posted and we can't wait to hear all about it. :)
Poor Jason, be honest, was he scared?? I'm proud of Kylie for trying to teach her friend the "right" way, she just needs to sugar coat it a little more!
It is so natural for kids to say and do these things ... I think you did a great job - and the neighbors, if they know anything about you, know that you are not crazy and not trying to indoctrinate them - and that you don't think they are going to Hell! I think we've all been the embarrassed parent when our innocent children say things like that. Keep being the great neighbor you are - and I'm sure it will be a great missionary opportunity! Or, something to laugh about when Kylie is 25!(going through the same thing with her daughter ... ha ha)
I hope your babe comes soon! Yuck on the membrane stipping! I think you described the pain dead on!
future missionary!
Oh my gosh, I got that insane feeling in my stomach as I read your post putting myself in your shoes. Whew! So sorry that happened, and I KNOW one day soon my boys with open thier big mouths and I'll also have some explaining to do. You handled it well and don't feel bad anymore because you did all you could do. Also, I'd rather swallow a knife than have my membranes stripped. ;)
sorry, I should proof read my comments more often. I obviously can't spell.
Oh,Jamie. I'm sure you were just dying. I can only imagine. It must be the age because Makenzie has been very inquisitive about what is right and wrong and why don't other people follow the same things, etc., etc. It is a HARD thing to do. Its good to see what people wrote because I'm right there with you and just crossing my fingers that I'm explaining things well enough. You are doing a great job!
I so feel your pain!!! That is so embarassing. Kelsey once told our neighborhor that she wasn't being modest and that it made Heavenly Father sad because her daughter was wearing a tank top. we were out doing yard work and heard this transpire next door and were like, "kel it's okay" because my neighbor was like, "WHAT?" and looked so embarrased as she adjusted her clothes, too. But Kel wouldn't let it drop and kept saying, "She's NOT being modest". I'm sure they think we are soooo crazy sometimes. But we just had to laugh at her honesty.
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