Sunday, August 02, 2009

Summer in a nutshell

Every summer I set my goals high. The ideal: wake up no later than 8:00, immediately make beds, get dressed and ready, pick out 3 chores from the chore jar then spend the day reading books and filling up their sticker charts before completing the planned daily activity of either crafts, cooking, library, games, swimming or play dates. Of course we would be too busy having blissful fun that there wouldn't be enough time for tv or fighting. The reality: lots of sleeping in, lots of tv, lots of swimming, lots of fighting, lots of video games, lots of pajama days, very little baths and hardly ever brushing their teeth....but we still managed to have lots of fun. I loved the laid back schedule, couldn't get enough of the vacations, enjoyed the visitors and am really going to miss spending all day with my kids.

I baked bread twice the entire summer. My kids LOVE homemade bread and could eat it ever day, but twice was all I could manage. It was fun having them as my little chefs.Getting a break from the heat at the Tempe splash park. I don't know which is cuter, Maddox's crying face or his smiling face.We did manage a couple of craft days. Who knew that popsicle sticks could be so much fun?The kids love wrapping up their own toys for each other and having un-birthday parties.

I can't say I'm going to miss having tons of kids running through the house, but it was cute to see them playing with all their little friends.They didn't sleep in their own beds the entire summer. They loved having sleep overs and as long as they stayed in the room, I didn't mind that they would stay up all night whispering, laughing and playing. Until next summer.....


nicole said...

I think the crying picture is cuter :) Sorry I wasn't one of the friend phone calls that made your birthday happy be-lated birthday!!! By the way, this year was the last year I will be celebrating my birthday. Can you believe how old we'll be next year? It makes my stomach hurt thinking about it.

Janessa said...

What a fun summer. The relaxed schedule is so much more enjoyable. Glad you enjoyed sleeping in while you could. I love the slumber parties every night. Homemade bread twice is two more times then I did. You're such a fun mom! It's a toss up between the sad face and happy face.

Jodee said...

I am in the same boat. I had all these plans for summer and I think I enjoyed sleeping in late and relazing all day with the kids doing a lot of nothing! I too missed the b-day, I am such a bad friend. Especially after you flying all the way out here for my b-day! I do love you and I promise to make it up to you! Happy Birthday Jame!