(she loved the flowers Jason brought for her)
I love having a girl for this very reason: dance recitals. She's only had one other recital when she was like 4, so I've been looking forward to this all year long. But why is it that whenever you look forward to something, it seems like it never goes like planned? Don't get me wrong, her dance was totally cute and worth the wait, but the events surrounding it were less than memorable. We were running late (as usual) and when I got dressed up in jeans and heels I didn't anticipate walking 5 miles in the scorching heat with three hot, whiney kids. By the time we actually got in, I had blisters on my feet and Kylie's hair and make-up that we spent so long doing had smeared and the curls had gone flat. I get her checked in then go with Jayden to find our seats (Jason was meeting us from work). I was frazzled at this point and grabbed the carseat out of the stroller, but totally forgot that I had unstrapped Maddox while we were walking because it was so hot. I'm standing at the door and look down right as Maddox is sliding out of his carseat and my heart drops as I see him smack face first onto the ground. It was a sickening feeling to see him laying their helpless knowing that it was because of my carelessness that he was hurt. I felt horrible, to say the least. At this point we had a crowd of concerned strangers gathered around to help, Maddox is screaming, I'm crying and Jayden is telling anyone that cares to hear, "don't worry, my mom just dropped him on his head" as if it's something I do on a daily basis. After checking his pupil dialation about fifty times, he seemed okay except for the carpet burn on his chin. I then spent the next hour and a half trying to keep them both quiet until Jason came and we could tag team it. After another 45 minutes of this Maddox has had it, he is beyond tired, screaming uncontrollably and Kylie hadn't even performed yet. I was outside pacing around barefoot with blistered feet, trying to console an unconsolable baby (and still worrying that he was suffering from brain damage) and wondering if after all of this I was going to miss her performance. I saw a guy from our ward who was nice enough to hold my screaming baby so that I could sneak in and see her little dance. She looked so cute and I was so proud of her. Of course I thought she was the cutest little hip hopper out there. I was glad we got it on video, even though they said video recording was prohibited. After paying a $55 costume fee for Wal-mart pants and an Old Navy tank top, and a $40 recital fee for 2 tickets, a t-shirt and plastic trophy (although Jayden was higly covetous. He's convinced he wants to perform in the next recital just so he can get a trophy), I wasn't about to pay another $30 for a DVD of the entire 3 hour recital. Long story short, we recorded it. We're naughty. But dang she's cute. (she's not out at the first, she comes out with the brooms, she's got a pink shirt and brown pants. I had to record this on my camera off our tv so that I could post it, so it's not the best quality.)
First of all, I'm so glad Maddox is okay. Poor little guy. Dropping babies out of car seats seems to run in the family:) Second of all, part of me can't help but laugh a little as I picture the evening. I promise it's a laugh of sympathy though since I've totally been there, done that. All moms have. I'm glad you were able to sneak in and see Kylie perform. She is so stinkin' cute! I love it!!! Good job, Kylie! Way to survive, Jamie!
Oh poor guy. Don't feel too bad though, when Kosty was even younger than him, I let go of his stroller just for a second to grab something and it tipped over on the asphalt! I was so sick. So I totally know how you feel, (although I wish I could say I was as cool as you and did not rush him to urgent care and give him xrays)! ;) Kylie looks adorable, so glad you broke the rule and taped it.
awww the video isn't working for me :( I am so sorry about the exhausting night, glad little Maddox is OK :)
"It's OK, my mom just dropped him on his head!" Sorry, that did make me giggle...just a little bit! I can feel the stress just reading that post! What a crazy night! Man, Kellee's prices aren't even that bad and she teaches in SF. Plus, she actually makes cool costumes! But, even in wal-mart pants and old navy tank top, she looked so adorable! Good job Ky.
Kylie did such a good job and looked absolutely adorable doing her "thang"! :)
Don't feel bad about Maddox. We all have our moments like that! I didn't buckle Hunter up while I went for a walk when he was two weeks old. My kids were on their bikes and one of them fell off. I quickly ran over to help them up, letting go of the stroller. I didn't realize I was kind of on a down hill slant,there went the stroller, and out popped my newborn. Rachel was the one who notice poor Hunter face down in a plant. OOPS.... BIG OOPS! :)
Really, don't feel bad. Every mom has a moment like that. My little man fell out of the shopping cart on his head, on the cement none-the-less. I felt horrible. It's ok, all part of being a mom I guess. Kylie did a great job with her recital. I can't wait until my little girl can do that.
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