Tuesday, May 31, 2011


We try to entice any visitors down with the promise of Jay's steaks (which have now been affectionately named "J-bones"...instead of T-bones..get it??) and a trip to the lake.  We were excited when my brother Troy and his family took the bait and came down for Memorial day weekend.  We got an extra bonus when my other brother, Tyler who is down in Tucson for the month doing his medical residency was able to get the weekend off and come too (along with a quick visit from Jason's highschool friend and his wife and some of my brother's friends who recently moved here too...maybe we shouldn't throw out the lure of steaks quite so loosely next time, haha :).  We really did do more than just go to the park but I have not been at the top of my photography game and this was the only time I remembered my camera.  Besides the park we lived in the pool, on the lake and at the kitchen table (and in front of the TV with wii and movie parties).  Brenton and Jayden formed an eternal bond over Christmas and it was fun to see them reunited.  Maddox adopted Alyssa as his "new baby brother" and was so cute and protective of her.  Troy managed to pop out a few ribs on the wakeboard and Sam gave me AMAZING foot massages and that pretty much sums up our weekend.  Thanks for coming!!


Janessa said...

J-bones...love it! Sounds like a fun relaxing weekend. I wish we had family that lived closer. Parker would have had a blast with his two little cousin buddies. Okay, all of my kids would have had a blast, but I thought of Parker as I looked at the pictures of Jayden and Brenton. So cute! I'm going to sound totally lame when I ask this, but what's up with Troy popping a few ribs on the wakeboard. Is that some wakeboard term I'm just not familar with or is this an injury? Hope he's okay! I'm jealous of the foot massage, but you more then earned them as the hostess to so many guests with your nine month pregnant belly. You poor lady!

Jodee said...

I have been the lucky recipient of J-bones at Hotel Young and I have to agree, they are fab! How fun to get all those visitors. I am next in line!

Chelsea said...

even 9 months pregnant you are still the hostess with the mostess! what a trooper!! does jason know how lucky he is?

Janette said...

Looks like you guys had so much fun together! I look forward to seeing your cute family soon!