Friday, April 10, 2009

We do heart free museum passes

I'm excited about the new culture pass that you can get at the library, it's especially going to be nice during the summer heat. We made a whole day out of the Science Center by taking the train to Phoenix (Jason was so emberassed that I took a picture on public transportation. It's all part of the experience.), spending several hours exploring the center, then eating on the patio at a little pizza joint (well, Jason didn't eat since they gave his food away to somebody else and I was nervous about the crazy guy standing by our table talking/yelling to himself about his ex-wife and teaching my kids all sorts of profanity. Why are there always crazy people talking to themselves in big cities??).

the sign of a fun and exhausting day

The next week we took advantage of no school on Good Friday and went with some friends to the Southwest Museum. We thought it would be a good idea to go in the afternoon then meet the husbands and go to the Easter pageant at the temple that night. What we didn't really anticipate was trying to entertain 8 kids for 5 1/2 hours. They all had such a fun time together at the museum then we went to a questionable park filled with homeless people and then spent an hour trying to coordinate dinner plans/parking places/seats for the show. Maddox was beyond tired and I was so close to taking him home, but he eventually fell asleep and I was glad we stayed and gave the kids an opportunity to focus on the the resurrection and not just the Easter Bunny. It was a crazy day, but the kids had so much fun and that's all that matters.


Janessa said...

You always find such fun places to go. Tell Jason that the city transportation picture is very cool. BTW, is it like a double decker train or are there people just floating on the ceiling in the background? Glad your kids got a nice lesson from the crazy man. Creepy! I'm so impressed with your Mega outing day with 8 kids. What a super mom! Glad it all worked out in the end. I love Kylie's beanine. What a cutie!

Chelsea said...

Speaking of culture passes, um ya we should get some again! thanks for the reminder.

Jodee said...

See, there are fun things to do in AZ!

Michelle Y. said...

I would love to go again some time too!

Amber! said...

Oh, my! I have missed a ton of posts, you have been a busy lady. And look at you making such smart kiddos!