I blame the beautiful 78 degree weather as the reason why I ignored this age old advice about not riding bikes in flip flops. I took the kids for a bike ride and had stopped to help Jayden get started on his bike. While the bike was balanced between my legs, the wheel turned and as the bike fell down the metal brake handle stabbed me right between my toes. I wasn't sure how bad it was, all I knew was that it was bleeding lots. As we were riding home Jayden felt so bad and thought it was his fault. He kept saying "I so horry, I will make you a cawd!" I kept telling him it wasn't his fault, but he was determined that it wouldn't have happened if I hadn't been helping him, poor kid. Kylie was so worried about me and by the time we got home she was sobbing and told me that she had already said two prayers for me. Jayden asked me if I would give him a "date dollar" (our latest incentive program) if he said a prayer. After I said no he tried to sweeten the pot by throwing in the offer to sing to me also for a date dollar. I tried to convince Jason that I didn't need to go in, but he ignored me after you could see all the way to the fatty tissue in my foot. Kylie was still sobbing as we took them to our friend's house (thanks Alisa!), so I had to stay strong for her, but inside I was cringing. I am the first to admit that I have a low pain tolerance, and I'm sure the doctors could tell I was weak sauce from the minute I hobbled through the door. They sent me home with a prescription for Vicadin. Jason, being the ever so sweet and sensitive husband, was trying his best not to laugh at me when they gave me the numbing shots (I'm pretty sure the nurse was trying not to laugh too). So what if I looked funny because I put my jacket over my head and was biting the collar while groaning in pain. I didn't want to see it and I didn't want them to see me. I was trying to find my happy place under there. They gave me 4 shots right inside my cut and it KILLED! I'm sure they've stitched up 5 year olds that were braver than I was. I don't know how I ever survived childbirth three times. I managed to hobble out of there with all my appendages intact. I tried to convince the doctor to tell Jason that I wasn't allowed to cook or clean for atleast a week, but he wasn't buying it. Good thing I've whined enough that Jason's offered to do it on his own. I even got breakfast in bed and a sweet note on a tray, compliments of Kylie and Jayden (thanks guys!). You better believe I'm going to milk it for all it's worth! So the moral of the story is, never ride your bike in open toed shoes.
No Bake Cheesecake (with sweetened condensed milk)
21 hours ago
Sorry. I deleted that last comment. I didn't spell check it before I posted it and found some blaring mistakes. This is what I meant to say with less spelling errors (there's a good chance there are still some errors)...Oh Jamie. You poor thing. My toes have been hurting for you all night. The picture looks worse then I imagined (and you didn't even get a before shot with all the blood:) That is so sweet that Kylie had already said two prayers for you by the time you got home. I love the way Jayden tried to buy some prayers for you. Glad those date dollars carry so much weight. I wish I could come over and cook dinner for you once Jason's sympathy wears off. Take it easy and get better soon!
OUCH!! Your kids are so sweet and thoughtful. I am with ya on the whole shot thing. We learned that same lesson last week when Abby lost her toe nail after she crashed on her bike with her flip flops. Hope you feel better soon!
Ouch!!! I cringed when I saw your picture. I hate blood and guts though! Hope you heal quickly and you better believe I'll never ride a bike with open-toed shoes!!
Milk it baby, milk it! That is all I have to say :) I hope you feel better.
Yuck- and not your feet- but the stitches!!! I am a total wimp too. How darling were your kids though saying prayers for you and all!! You are still the cutest mom ever teaching your kids to be as darling as ever! Hope the foot feels better!! I am so mad we weren't in Vegas when you came!!
I don't even want to think about that! You poor girl. I would have been the same way with the shots...I hate them! Get feeling better.
the whole time between clicking on your link and waiting for the page to load, all I was saying in my head was, "please don't have a picture of the foot, please don't have a picture of the foot."
Disappointed Jamie. And cringing. And my toes hurt. Happy?
I may forgive you because of the "I so horry, I will make you a cawd." TOO CUTE!
That's so funny about Jayden bribing you for a song and prayer. And poor Kylie really was so worried that night. I'm glad you are okay. I didn't know you had to ride HOME after it happened. I thought you were already home. Poor girl!
My stomach was queasy as I read your post, I hate thinking about cuts and bleeding. At least you can still wear your flip flops, the cut isn't between your first two toes.
OK, this made me cry I was laughing so hard. Sorry, but picturing you with your coat over your head moaning and Jason trying not to laugh... I can just see it so clearly! Poor Jame, I am glad you are being well taken care of. I could have done without the fatty tissue comment but Chelsea is right, "I so horry, I will make you a cawd" totally made up for it. I love you Gi Gi!
I am so glad someone else was laughing too. I don't mean to be rude but picturing you with your jacket over your head!!!
I am sorry you are hurt, though. I am also sad I can't bring you some ice cream!
Oh that is so sad. I bet your little kiddos were so worried. Especially with all the blood. What a hard lesson to learn, but maybe your kids will remember this and ride with tennis shoes on too. I always argue with my kids over that. Hopefully it is feeling a little better now.
That is just painful! Lesson learned - you don't have to tell me twice. I have bad luck biking anytime with my sister (broken collar bone). I won't bike with open toed shoes - or with my sister ...
How many stitches??? Looks painful - keep up the milking ... and keep showing the foot - you'll get even more favors ...
OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, OUCH! I would have reacted exactly the same way you did!!!
And I'm so behind on blogging and just read your post about the darling babysitter and wanted to move into your neighborhood!!!! I'm so glad to see that there is still one good babysitter still out there!
This is why I should be better about reading blogs...I would have known you were in pain on Sunday! Hope you are feeling better!
Oh Jamie! OUCH!
Jayden totally makes me laugh. My boys would also want something for their willingness to say a prayer for me.
I know we need to get the boys together again soon. I keep meaning to call you up and offer to take Jayden, but time has slipped away from me.
Oh my goodness, OUCH! And you do not have freakishly long toes! They are cute!!
Oh, I am lightheaded and queasy now. I can take it when it's me, but I can't stand to see other people's boo boos and pain. Oh, my! I'm glad you didn't lose any appendages. I couldn't have taken those photos!!!
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