The Thing About Dads
Happy New Years! We had fun ringing in the New Year, well more like ringing in 10:00pm with some friends who hosted a game night. Here's to a wonderful now that the small talk formalities are over with, let's get right down to the point. Seriously, what is the thing about dads? I want to know what they've got that mom's don't that allow them to reach rockstar status just by walking in the room. So this past week and a half we have been having so much fun hanging out with Jason. At first I thought that it was so cute that the kids always wanted to do everything with dad. By day eleven I'm starting to take it personal. We go to a restraunt and they both have to sit by dad which leaves me all by my lonesome on the other side of the table. We go hiking and no one wants to hold my hand. We go on a bike ride and they are in tears because one of them has to ride with mom (even after promises of going really fast this time). We go grocery shopping and nobody wants to go in the cart with me (which actually worked out to my advantage as I was by myself when I could hear Jayden knocking over storage bins in the next aisle-ha! ha!). When we eat dinner at home they both move their chairs away from my side of the table and are scrunched next to dad. When they come lay in our bed in the morning they are both fighting over who gets to lay next to dad and it usually ends up that all 3 are squished onto one pillow and I've got the remaining 3/4 of the king sized bed to myself. And the list goes on, but you get the point. Jason is a wonderful dad and is very deserving of all the extra love, but there is just something about seeing a mom in a restraunt sitting in solitary confinement on one side of the table with the rest of the family piled on top of eachother on the other side that just screams 'bad mom'! After all that us moms do, is it to much to ask to just share the love? I mean come on, who is the one that cleaned up the volcano of diarreah in the aisle of Target using only baby wipes (definately not dad)? Who is the one that was left hungry after I let you eat all my Taco Bell nachos and Pho noodles because I know they're you're favorite. Who is the one up in the middle of the night changing sheets with throw-up on them? Who is the one who hosted 14 four year olds for your birthday party? Who is the one that cleaned up after you when you decided to pee inside of the cupboard? Who is the one that is up in the middle of the night giving medicine, rubbing "leg aches" and comforting you from a bad dream? Who is the one that rushed you to the doctor when you stuck a comb in your ear and ruptured your ear drum? Who is the one that cried the first time I held you, the first time you got a shot, the first time I left you overnight and your first day of school? Who is the one that spends hours constructing train tracks and organizing the Barbie house, only to have it destroyed moments later? Who is the one that scrubbed your hands until they were raw when you pulled out a used tampon applicator in the public restroom? Who is the one that didn't get too mad when you used a rock to carve your name into the tint on the car window and the door handle (Jason is still a little sensitive about this one)? Who goes with you on all the merry-go-round rides eventhough it makes me sick? Who has spent 1/3 of motherhood waiting in a crowded doctor's office? Who is the one that knows all 22 kids in your class by name so that I can be an "involved parent"? Who is the one that stays up at night worrying about you? Who is the one that has endured countless hours of Teletubbies and Wiggles? Who put the cranky CVS employee in her place after she got mad when you knocked over an entire display of coloring books? And lets not forget who drank your concoction of water, milk, syrup and peanut butter because you were so excited about your new creation. And don't even get me started about the 9 months of pregnancy and 20 hours in the hospital, lets not even go there...of course just like any other mom, I would do these things again in a second (okay, maybe not the erupting pooh volcano). But maybe, just maybe, if it's not too much to ask, the next time that we go to the movies could you please try not to cry quite so loud because you have to sit by me??
But there is one thing that only moms can do. Kylie and Jayden love their dad to death (which I really do absolutely love. I'm totally kidding about the jealousy stuff--well, mostly :) but when they get hurt or sad, they always come to mom. It makes it all worth it to know that only moms have a special way of making things all better. That is something I want to hold on to for as long as I can...
No Bake Cheesecake (with sweetened condensed milk)
12 hours ago
It's true--dad's are rockstars. The same goes in my house, too! He gets squeals and screaches of excitement to greet him upon coming home and he's the first thing Carter asks for in the morning when he wakes up. Unfortunately this usually leads to whining since Marc is long gone at work. Oh well, I just figure it gives me a little alone time whenever Dad's around. :)
Oh Jame, you are so right! I love this post! I think you are a rockstar mom and even if your kids are not your biggest fans now, they will appreciate all you do soon (especially after they read this post!) Hang in there!
Oh Jamie! How sad to sit alone! It's becasue dad's are working so the kids miss him. Everytime Bo leaves, Ky cries "daddys lost"! i'm like chill out! And I agree, we do do a TON huh?! I have missed so many posts! Looks like you guys had a great Christmas with Jason's fam here. The hike looks so fun to. My grandma lives right by south mountain. We love it there. How did the kids do? Your a great momma!
Oh Jamie that is how I feel sometimes! Abby loves to compare me to Mark and he always comes out on top, she is a daddy's girl!!! I still got Gracie and I am holding on tight!! Looks like you had a fun holiday....cute pictures!!
Hilarious! I love it. I know how you feel, I am constantly rejected as well when Dad is home. BUT it really is a break! At least they do love their Dads, I was just talking with someone about how the kids wont go near the Dad & all they want is Mom, ugh!
Holy crap (no pun intended), I hope I never have to clean up a poo volcano in Target!
Do I sense bitterness? I'm glad you could get it all out. I hope you're feeling better. Just remember that Jason will soon be back at work and you will reclaim all parenting glories and duties (the good and the bad) while he is at work. I say enjoy the extra room in bed and laugh while he cleans up all the storage bins :) Jason is a great dad. I see why your kids have so much fun with him. I love that they know who to turn to when they are sad though. That's where the true devotion is.
Okay you made me laugh, then cry, then laugh then cry mostly because I totally feel your pain. I thought it was just because I have all girls. Or at least that's what I tell myself when they ALWAYS prefer him to me. They fight over who gets to sit next to Daddy at dinner every night. Sometimes Emma will be nice and humor me and say "yes" when I ask her to sit by me, but I know where she really wants to be.
Jamie - you are a ROCKSTAR blogger! I love the time and details you put into your posts.
That is seriously funny stuff - and I feel your pain. With Joe home this last month and a half, I have definatly been feeling a little left out. Even my sweet Ava has turned against me! Oh, well, Joe went back to work today, so pretty soon I'll be back on top! :-)
At least they come to you when they are hurt. Peyton just bashed his head into the wall about an hour ago and I tried to pick him up and he ran straight to dad. It hurts being shafted like that.
That is so funny that you posted this! Sunday night at dinner both of my girls insisted on sitting by Jake. He was on the end, so Makenzie moved to his other side. I sat in her place (so I wasn't all alone on the other end) next to Maddie. But, this wasn't good enough. They both moved their chairs so they were next to his (at the head of the table). I felt like an outcast. I was also hoping like Crystal that this is a "girl thing". I guess we'll see! So fun to read!
okay, you guys all made me laugh and feel better that it really isn't just me!! And yes, it definately could be worse if they never wanted to go to dad, so I'm grateful to have such a wonderful husband :) Alisa, I want to here about the job details-yea! I'll call you tomorrow. And Kelly, just consider yourself warned! I'm still waiting for motherhood to be featured on that "Dirtiest Jobs in America" show..
You crack me up Jamie. I'm with the previous poster, I hope I never have to clean up a poo volcano in Target. That one takes the cake and makes you a rockstar in my book! :)
Oh-that wasn't an announcement on Sally's blog was it? About you having a girl next? this must clearly explain what a sap I am this week....I totally got teary while also laughing reading this! It's so amazing all the things that moms do with no credit. You stated it all so perfectly! You rock and I'd sit next to you anyday!?!
I just spent 5 days in Idaho with Canon screaming if he had to be held by me. Such a good impression on the family we see once a year. Whenever Niles was out of sight, all I heard was DAAAAD? Oh, and lots of crying. Niles just went back to work on Monday after quite a bit of time off, and guess who wants mommy now?
I welcome the break too. Dads are just too fun. I'll have to suggest that they all sit by him at restaurants and at dinner, etc., because they haven't figured that one out yet. I'm usually covered in kids, while Dad is sitting in peace and quiet, enjoying his food.
Oh no,no--definately no announcement! I just think that WHEN I have another baby then I think it will be a girl :)
PS- another funny side note to the poo volcano...about a month later I was visiting teaching an older single lady without any kids and she was complaining about how dirty shopping carts are and she said, I quote: "a couple weeks ago I was at Target and my shopping cart totally smelled like s**t!" Yes, I kept my mouth shut.
Jamie your so funny, I love the VT story- hehehehe
I sometimes wish my kids would let me sit alone :)
Ok, so I totally get how as moms, we do everything for our kids, not dads. But I have to say, I am waiting for the day to have Courtney want Dave over me. She has been attached to me since the moment I conceived and never gives me space. I'm just saying, it isn't all bad, right?
You've got to love being a mom. I would love to see dads do what we do on a daily basis. You are a rockstar! I can't believe you took your kids hiking... you give me hope!
Okay, I'm glad you gave me a great laugh! Now I don't feel so isolated in this department. My kids DO choose Trent to get up with them in the morning though, which I LOVE! Your kids are so funny and darling.
We were JUST talking about that same thing Friday night - its crazy and I have 6 stinkin "Daddys Girls". Thanks for the good Rant and Raves about the issue - it needed to be addressed.
The used tampon sick and wrong...I cannot stop laughing about that. You are both such great parents and have such a great family. I love that you vented about all of the things that I totally agree with you on.
Jamie, this was the best post ever! Reading all the great comments was almost as funny. You are such a great mom! I'm glad you got all that off your chest.
I can't wait to hang out on Tue. It's been way to long. See you then!
This post is so well deserved of many comments. Probably the best post I have ever read. I have never laughed or agreed more. I hate how I feel like the bad one and that dad is the star in my kids life. But I have noticed that when it really does matter they do love me more...LOL
Jaime this is so funny! It is reversed at my house with the older two - Elijah loves his daddy. We finally assigned seats so I could sit by Darren at dinner. I just tell Alexia and Parker that if they sit across from me I can wink at them and make smoochy kissy faces at them through all of dinner. The volcano and tampon parts? Eeeewww and so totally something that Elijah would do to me. The other day I caught him with the white cap that covers the bolts holding the toilet to the floor. He was busy dipping it into the toilet to get a drink. Who needs a dog? Gross!
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