Hey there birthday girl! Surprise – Janessa here! I wanted to take a little trip down memory lane with you for your birthday. It was so fun putting this slide show together and thinking about all the fun we’ve had growing up together. Being only one year and four days apart in age, I don’t remember what life without you is like. You have been a constant companion and friend. I remember as our family would move around when we were growing up and we would be sad to leave friends, mom and dad would always say, “Your family is your best friend. Friends will come and go but you’ll always have your family.” I didn’t fully appreciate what they were saying at the time, but now I see the truth in what they were saying. You have always been there for me and have always been my best friend. I love you so much and hope you have a fabulous birthday! Here are some memories that came to mind as I’ve been looking back at our life together.
- My memories start in Cedar City. Life was simple and the smallest things were so exciting. I remember the occasional lollipop treat and that tragic day when one of our lollipops fell in the ditch and got whisked away. Oh the joy and sorrow a ten cent sucker can bring!
- I have a lot of fun memories of our Orderville years. We spent countless hours playing on the mountain in our backyard making huts and exploring our territory while either playing with or fighting with our neighbors, the Heatons. We loved riding our Big Wheels down to the Seminary to give dad his lunch. We were so big! Once we started elementary school, surviving our walks to school every morning was nothing shy of miraculous. As we approached the cross guard we’d hold hands and say, “If you die, I’ll die too.” Between the second hand smoke we were exposed to from the crossing guard and the two way “major highway” we had to cross, we felt lucky just to be alive each day we made it across.
- American Fork is where we started growing up. Boys became interesting and we worried about our clothes and hair. You were always my fashion icon. Our days were full of making up cheers and dances on the front lawn while trying to impress innocent passer-bys. I think we made up a dance to almost every song from the Osmonds and The Monkeys. Man, we were cool!
- Okay, so we THOUGHT we were cool when we lived in American Fork but somewhere in those early years in Georgia we reached true coolness (or so we thought). Our dances evolved to “the sprinkler” and we spent, I don’t know how many hours, memorizing cool “radio songs”. Doing home school for a year was a fun bonding experience. Many lazy summer days (and nights) were spent at the pool with family and friends. Girl’s camp and church dances were highlights of our exciting life. We cried (and later laughed) together as we both had our turns wrecking different cars. Poor mom and dad! We were always there for each other to talk about our hot dates and latest crushes. When I graduated from high school and left for college I was so sad to leave you. It was so weird to not share a bedroom with you! I loved having you came to visit me at UGA.
- Driving the car out to Utah together is one of my fondest memories of time spent with you. The family was moving out there from Georgia and we somehow convinced mom and dad that we could handle following dad in the car. It was a long drive but so much fun just being together and trying to keep dad sane.
- Once in Utah our paths started to part a little. You went to BYU and I got married. I was so excited when you got married too - EXACTLY six months later. I loved that we both lived in Provo and saw each other a lot still. When I had Taylor, you were right there at the hospital to see him after he was born. You were so nice (and brave) to babysit our one month old Taylor overnight for our one year anniversary. I was SO excited when you announced that you were pregnant with Kylie and we were pregnant together for about a month (I was expecting Abby). I was very impressed with your hard work as I watched a very pregnant Jamie finish and graduate from BYU just before having Kylie. I was overjoyed when she was born and I became an aunt! Eight month old Abby was also excited to have her best cousin friend here too. I was so grateful to have you there for me when Ricky was deployed to Iraq. You and Jason were so generous to always have your door open to us. We loved visiting you and spending so much time at your house that year. You have no idea what a support and strength you were to me during that time. When I had Kambry while Ricky was still in Iraq, I was so grateful to have you and mom there with me when she was born. That was such a bonding experience to have you there with me as I brought my Kambry into the world. I was devastated when you moved to Arizona. I was so glad that you guys were able to visit a bit that first little while. It helped ease the pain. I was so excited when you came up for Christmas and announced that you were pregnant with Jayden. I had a sneaky suspicion you had another one on the way. I was so sad to not be able to see Jayden right when he was born. I was excited to finally see six month old Jayden when we met up with you and him at mom and dad’s house for a visit. Having you visit us in Iowa that following summer was a dream come true. I loved having you there in my little world with me. It was fun to have you there to tell you in person that we had baby number four on the way. Parker was born that next spring and then we were able to visit you that summer and introduce you to three month old Parker. I was thrilled when we found out that we’d get to see you again a few months later at Troy’s wedding! We had a ball visiting you again this summer! You guys are such generous hosts. I savored every minute with you. I love watching our kids play with each other and carry on the best friend bond that we had growing up. That was so funny when, after listening to us talk to each other for a while, Jason asked, “Do you guys ever fight?” We all laughed because we are always so cheesy and sweet to each other.
I cherish all the memories we’ve made together and look forward to the many more we’ll make. You fill so many rolls in their life and do an incredible job with each one. You are an amazing mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend. I look up to you and love you so much! I wish I could be with you to celebrate your birthday, but I hope it’s a great one! Love you tons!!! You're amazing...
No Bake Cheesecake (with sweetened condensed milk)
12 hours ago
Jamie, I second this! you are such an awesome friend, neighbor, church buddy, mother, social bee, all around great girl. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! and good thing for my Visiting Teaching slip that I knew it was your b-day, cause you NEVER even mentioned it! BUSTED. I hope you have a fun day. I'll be stopping by...
Happy Birthday, Jamie! I hope it's a good one. I like the video, nice pictures! It kept cutting off for me, so I liked it best with the volume turned off.
-Ricky (signed in under Janessa's account)
Happy Birthday Jamie! Thanks for being such a great friend. What a great tribute from your sister, that was so fun to read and see the video of you growing up.
Happy Birthday Jamie. What a nice surprise tribute from your sister!
Happy Birthday Jamie! You have a great sister. I always knew I was missing out big time with no sisters of my own. That must be why I love you so much. Hope your day was great!
Do I not have the BEST sister EVER?! Thanks soooo much Janess, that was seriously so sweet and made me cry (and you know that I am not a big crier!) That just meant so much that you would spend so much time putting that together before your vacation and even while you're on your vacation, you're amazing! I really am so lucky to have you as my sister. That was a fun trip down memory lane and brought back so many memories. We really were such dorks, but we had the best time doing it! I sure love you (and I am feeling very emberassed that all I got you was a box of strawberry Oreos! You definately got the raw end of the deal!) Sure love you and thanks for making my day special!
PS--thanks so much Ricky for the comment. I always knew that you were a blogger at heart! Although I think that I sensed a little sarcasm with the "nice pictures" comment... :) Thanks for sharing Janessa and your kids with us, we had the best time together, but I know that she's anxious to get back to you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMIE! That was so sweet. I feel very ripped off because I don't have any sisters! I guess I made up for it by having all girl children. :) I hope your birthday is awesome.
What a sweet sister you have! I can see from the pictures that you have such a sweet and loving family. I hope that my girls will have the same relationship that you and your sister have. I am going to start telling my girls that 'Your family is your best friend'. What fun memories you two have. You are such a beautiful person Jamie, and I feel so privileged to know you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Happy Birthday Jamie!! What a sweet sister, it is the best to have sisters that you can share everything with! Hope you had a fabulous day!!
I can't believe I haven't seen this post yet. Janessa, you are a sweet sister. Jamie, you deserve every bit of it! I love you, Happy birthday!
Jamie, I just saw that it was your birthday in the ward newsletter. What a bad friend I am. I hope your day was great anyway. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Can I take you out to lunch?
Too cute and Happy Birthday! That is how my sis and I are, what would I do without her?
Happy late birthday Jamie. I loved looking at all the pictures of you growing up. I can't believe that we have known you for so long and I have never seen any baby pics. You were so cute. Hope you had a good birthday.
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