Party like it's 1999
Nothing like a night at the roller rink for a throw back to the 90's. I don't know what part of Cosmic Skate Night did not get Jason excited, but I was giddy as a middle school girl to glide under the disco ball. It brought back so many memories from middle school (oh crap, was it highschool?? I hope not, because that's just emberassing), I was waiting for the DJ to start spinning some Ace of Base and I half expected to see Billy, the skating rink stud, swish by with his long blonde hair blowing in the stale was nostalgic. Of course it was all about the kids tonight though, not me (okay, maybe just a little bit. And I'm not dropping any hints, but ladies night is coming up). Jason did have his doubts, but it turned out to be such a fun family night. Kylie and Jayden picked it up pretty quick, and by the end they were bruised and sweaty but begging to go again. Maddox was done after one trip around. He decided it was more fun trying to see if any of the arcades would take the nickle that he stole out of Jayden's piggy bank. And since we're pretty much the raddest parents ever, we let the kids eat dessert first and took them out for fro-yo before grabbing a pizza to take home. Yeah, we totally rocked the whole parent thing tonight.
Baked Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti
4 days ago