Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
A month late, but close enough. This boy never made rotten look so cute. His latest loves include his hat (he can't leave the house without it and pats his head when he wants it on), his snuggles blanket (he calls it his "nnngggg shoooo"-the snoring sound), Little Einsteins (calls it "pa" for pat pat), any animal (the only way he'll talk to Jason or I on the phone is if we ask him to make animal sounds), books (he backs his little hiney onto my lap with a huge grin on his face and an occasional "yesssss" with a fist pump), trains (choo-choos) and of course "guy-guy" (Ky-Ky) and Jayden. I love his little voice and personality. I never get sick of the way he gets so excited to see me after I've been away and runs to me yelling "ma-ma" with his arms wide open. Oh this little man is pure, unfiltered cuteness. (18 month stats: 22.25 inches- 75%, 27lb 8 oz -75-90%, head 19"-75%)
Monday, May 10, 2010
Sunday, May 09, 2010
I love this picture. Look at the smile on those little monkey faces. How lucky am I to see those smiles every day? Mother's day was fabulous as always and is pretty much my favorite day of the year. Jason spoiled me by letting me do nothing but sleep and eat all day long and the kids spoiled me with lots of hugs, kisses and homemade cards. On my breakfast tray next to a vase of roses was this poem that Kylie had written:
Someone so dielitful
and spesial and so sweet
And so so so so cheerful
asome and neat
My mom is deliteful
Spesial and so sweet
and so so so so cheerful
asome and neat!
Melt my heart.
Jayden came home from school with the cutest book he had made. I wish I wasn't too lazy to scan all the pictures in, because it's so cute to see the pictures he drew, but this is what it says...
"Before you were my mother who helps me clean up,
you were a little girl who loved her bunny.
Before you were my mother Maddox kisses,who washes my clothes,
you were a little girl who loved to run.
Before you were my mother who plays with me,
you were a little girl who loved snowboarding.
Before you were my mother who cooks yummy food,
you were a little girl who ride a surf board."
I can barely even rememer what my life was like before my little monkeys and am so grateful that I am lucky enough to be their mom!
Saturday, May 08, 2010
(little Miss talented Mandy made these adorable cupcakes and I'm sad I forgot to take a picture of all 80 of them on the cute cupcake stand)
We had 8 tables so for the centerpieces we had B&W pictures for each year of their lives, it was fun looking back.....
Monday, May 03, 2010
Birthday interview:
What is your favorite food? Steak
What is your favorite movie? Star Wars
What is your favorite outfit? pink, black and white plaid shirt with black leggings
What is your favorite song? "Party in the USA" (Miley Cyrus)
What was the funnest thing you did last year? Visit my cousins
What are you most excited about being 8? Getting baptized
Who are your best friends Noelle, Mia, Marley and Kyla
What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher, rockstar or artist
What are your talents? Heelys, dancing, a couple magic tricks, drawing and being in plays
We are so proud of everything you have accomplished in the past year and can't wait to see what amazing things await you in the coming year. You continue to be such an example with your thoughtfulness, you are such a caring and loving girl. Thanks for being just the way you are! We love you!