V-day breakfast and the "Valentine Santa"
Jayden's baseball game
Kylie was so excited to have him chaperone her field trip to the zoo
hiking the "heiroglyphic trail"Time for the annual polar bear plunge. I am still a proud non-member of this club. Jayden gets the award for staying in the longest (he took a good couple of laps and kept jumping back in. crazy.) and my dad gets the award for jumping in when it was the coldest during a pouring rain storm. Once again, crazy. :)
We all took a 2 hr Sunday nap and left Kylie and Jayden to fend for themselves. We woke up to construction paper confetti covering the lawn and a party zone set up. Here Kylie is giving Papa dance lessons in the pouring rain at the dance station.
kite flying and frisbee golf
We tried going sledding two weekends in a row, the first we got about 15 min away and realized we forgot the sled so we went hiking instead. The second we got to Payson it was freezing, raining, the kids were miserable and there was no snow in sight. After grabbing lunch at the 260 cafe we decided to hike around Tonto Natural Bridge. It was FREEZING, but still fun. The kids liked Papa's rock skipping lessons but complained every step of the hike. So many great memories, thanks for coming dad!!