Sunday, September 30, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I've been in a blogging mood lately. I really don't have anything specific to write about, instead it's just a mixture of random thoughts. I figure since this is my journal, someday my kids might be interested to see what random things are going through my head (yes, I'm trying to redeem myself since some of you know that I sabotaged my journals from middle school by trying to make myself look cooler than I really was so that one day my kids would think I was pretty much the coolest person ever. ie: "so today I sat at the lunch table with all the cheerleaders, we're like best friends".... ha, ha! Yes, I'm emberassed to admit that really is a line taken straight from my 7th grade journal. I think by now my kids have pretty much figured out that I'm really not that cool :) Anyways, on with the show....
-Why is it that kids have this innate instinct to do these 3 things: 1) blow bubbles with a straw in milk 2)turn any stick into either a sword or a gun 3)battle it out with eachother with the infamous "yes, no, yes, no" argument. No one (atleast to my knowledge) has taught them any of these things, and in reference to #2 my kids don't even own any toy weapons and are limited to watching PBS, Disney and Nick. Yet, every single kid does these things out of pure natural instincts.
-I'm in the middle of a "24" marathon. I watched the first season then skipped to the 5th and I need to know what happened with Pres. Palmer. Was he elected? Why didn't he serve the full time? Chloe seriously bugs, they have got to get rid of her or I may boycot.
-Kylie started her gymnastics class and loves it.
-It is finally "cooling off" and I'm loving it! It's still in the 90's, but to me it feels like fall. Atleast it cools off at night
-To sit or not to sit, that is the question....Jayden was too short to stand by the toilet when I potty trained him and now I'm having the debate whether I should teach him to stand or not. Jason says yes. I say to wait until he's older and can aim better, but since he's at school should I start now?
-I only keep Kylie's favorite papers and art projects from school and throw the rest away. I wish I could keep them all, but there's just no place to keep everything. There is a strategic method for discarding them. All papers must be face down in the garbage, no bright colored papers can be showing and there must be atleast one layer of garbage covering them. So many times Kylie has been crushed when she finds her work in the garbage. I totally play the innocent card and act shocked that it "accidentally" got thrown away. I won't deny that Jayden has been unsuspectingly dealt the blame for these occurances as well. I hope one day Kylie can forgive me....and just remember that all your best work is in a safe place that I will always treasure :)
-I got a gym membership for the first time. I'm very excited to go. The spin class killed me.
-Jayden meets with his speech therapist once a week at preschool. I asked him if he had speech today and he replied, "no, just juice and crackers". I didn't realize there was a snack called "speech"...
-I'm very excited for this week's "Premiere Week". I am so ready for some mindless TV watching after the kids go to bed. The Office, Grey's Anatomy, The Bachelor....bring it on!
-"Oregon Trail" was the coolest computer game ever.
-Kylie's school sent a note home saying that the district has decided to not observe Halloween. No Halloween crafts, costume parades, parties. Nothing. They said that they don't want to distract from the learning environment or desensatize the children with such a violent holiday. They do realize that the reason I signed on as a room mom was to bring cup cakes for the Halloween party. I may resign from my position.
-There is an art to price matching at Wal-mart. You must always do a drive-by past the registers to scan for the prime cashiers. Never, I repeat never, go to anyone over the age of 30. The older they are, the worse they are. This can become a problem if you shop in the middle of the day where the age margin sky rockets to 60, due to school. In my experience (which is alot) the worst are the old ladies who are of a different nationality (no I am not racist, this is pure observation), then old ladies in general, then middle aged girls, then young girls and the number one spot is a tie between the acne prone teenage boys and the sweet old men. I don't try to rip them off, but the old ladies always think I'm lying and I have to show the adds for EVERY item. The youngin's could care less. I have my 2 favorite cashiers, "bible study girl" (we bonded when she told me her love story with a fellow wal-mart cashier) and "Jared" (we bonded when I told him Jennifer thought he was cute and as an added bonus he works during the day)
-Jayden's new favorite thing is for me to draw a pirate ship for him. It sounds simple enough, but what once started out as a way to keep him quiet in church has now grown out of control. I have to precisely draw a ship complete with a plank, flag, two pirates (no more, no less), one treasure chest, a treasure map with "X marks the spot", and waves. When I am finished he turns the page and says "again". This could go on for hours. He has notebooks full of the exact same pirate ship scene. I don't know how to put an end to the madness. (Chelsea, I am reminded of your farm animal days with Koston, any ideas?)
-I love coming home and the kids run up to me and act like they haven't seen me in weeks. It's the best.
-Kylie got invited to her first sleepover b-day party. I didn't think that I'd have to start thinking about this already. I don't think I'll let her spend the night, I think she's too young. I still don't know if I want to let her have sleepovers at all, I've heard too many stories and I don't want to risk it. But I know I'll be fighting her over this topic for years like I did with my parents if I say no. I just don't know.....
Wow, I guess I had alot on my mind.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Boys say...hey baby, hey baby, hey! (from that song, remember?)
In an attempt to reinstate Jayden's manliness, Jason taught Jayden what boys say. Jayden came up with what girls say on his own (although I have yet to see a girl really do that!) Jason is proud to announce that Jayden has finally realized that Barbies are for girls and has also outgrown the dress up and nail polish phase as well.
Speaking of what boys say......Jayden had a couple of friends over to play and they were watching "Madagascar". When the lion came on screen one boy said "that's me!" When the giraff came on the other boy said "that's me!" and when the zebra came on the last boy also said "that's me". Then lo and behold here comes Gloria, the hippopotamus and one boy shouts "look there's your mom!"
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Now for some other random bits from this week...
Kylie was using some scissors to open a package of cookies. AFTER she had opened them, Jason turns to me and asks if I ever washed the scissors. What a random question since usually I'm just lucky to get all the dishes washed, so I asked him why they needed to be washed. Apparently while Jason was watching the kids he let them use the scissors to cut up grasshoppers and crickets to keep them occupied while he did the yard work--a week earlier. EWWWW! Information that would have been nice to know BEFORE they were used to open cookies and who knows what else throughout the week.
We were at Jamba Juice and I was holding Jayden at the cash register while a nice African American gentleman with a rather large hair-do was helping us. We were only a couple of feet away from him when Jayden pointed right to him and said rather loudly "Scary!". At that moment I was grateful for his speech problem because it came out as "Cary!", so maybe, just maybe he didn't know what Jayden was talking about. Although the fact that he then buried his face in fear probably didn't help the situation much.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
After they left we packed up and headed to Cali for Labor Day weekend. Jennifer has never been there and since she left today (sniff, sniff) we decided to take her there for a last big horrah
I know this is a long one, but I can't end a post without including some of my favorite kid moments for the week. Kylie has a birthmark on her arm that she is very proud of and is always showing to people. Jayden also has one and I wasn't sure if he knew what it was called, so I pointed to it and asked him what it was. He proudly responded, "it's my birthday!" The kids love playing "Marco Polo" in the pool. They enjoy the game, but I don't think they understand why one person says "marker" and everyone else says "pillow". Kylie's class has just started checking out books from the library. I thought for sure she would pick out the most girly princess books, so I was a bit surprised at her selection, that is until she excitedly presented Jayden with the pirate book she had chosen and told him that she picked it out just for him. The next week she came home with a dinosaur book she had carefully selected for him as well. I can't explain the feeling I get to see them become the best of friends. It's what being a mom is all about!